
A minimal, composable router that supports sub-routes.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A minimal, composable router that supports sub-routes.

Build Status npm install js-standard-style


var commuter = require('commuter')

var router = commuter()

router.get('/post/:title', onRoute)

//later, a GET request is made with the url '/post/some-title'
router(req, res)

function onRoute(req, res) {
  console.log(req.params.title) // 'some-title'

  // handle route...

Subroutes work exactly as you'd expect:

var commuter = require('commuter')

var router = commuter()
var subrouter = commuter()

router.get('/post/*', subrouter)
subrouter.get('^/?view/:title', onRoute) // optionally leading slash

// later, a GET request with url '/post/view/some-title'
router(req, res)

function onRoute(req, res) {
  console.log(req.params.title) // 'some-title' 
  console.log(req.url) // '/post/view/some-title'

  // handle route...

Even handle the "index" route in your subrouter:

var commuter = require('commuter')

var router = commuter()
var subrouter = commuter()

router.get('/post/*', subrouter)
subrouter.get('^$', onRoute) // optionally leading slash

// later, a GET request with url '/post/'
router(req, res)

function onRoute(req, res) {
  console.log(req.url) // '/post/'

  // handle route...


  • commuter([defaultRoute] [, root] [, verbs]) - Create a new router. Accepts the following parameters:
    • defaultRoute - A function to be called if no routes are matched
    • root - A string to be ignored at the begging of any URL; for example, passing /some/string will cause the route /some/string/with/more to be matched using only /with/more
    • verbs - By default, the standard HTTP verbs are supported: get, post, put, patch, delete. If you need different verbs, pass them here. It will replace the defaults, excepting the special any route, which is always available.

The router that is returned has the following methods:

  • router(request [, args ...]) - Route a request through the router. Routes are matched in the order they were added.
  • router.<method>(pattern, fn) - Define a route on your router
    • <method> - Any of the standard HTTP verbs, or the verbs you defined; for example, router.get, router.post, or router.any.
    • pattern - A string that is either a Cucumber-style pattern describing a URL or a Regex string (not a RegEx object). commuter uses routes for it's pattern matching, and follows those docs and rules.
    • fn - The function to be called when your route is matched. This function should take the same form as your router.<method> function; that is, if your router was called as router(req, res), your function will be called with fn(req, res)

The request object only needs to be "request-like"; that is, the only properties that are used are request.url to match the url, and optionally request.method, which will default to the router.any routes if missing.

As the request passes through the router, a few additional properties are added to it:

  • request.params - A key/value object of the matched parameters from your pattern, and their captures values.
  • request.splats - An array of the matched splats
  • request.route - The last route pattern that was matched.

There are a few other additions that come via routes and are explained in their docs.


MIT. See LICENSE for details.