
My first API developed for theVelops

Primary LanguageJavaScript


this API was developed for theVelops's internship selection process

#How to use
First of all is necessary to have the node.js and bash terminal installed in your machine. Then you'll be able to clone this repository and run it. In your terminal type the command -npm install, this will install the dependencies and after that, type npm run start to initiate the server. For execute the tests and see how it's working you can use postman and use the url http://localhost:3000/users because the server is hosted in the 3000 port. On postman is possible to test the routes GET, POST, PUT and DELETE avaliable in this API.

This are some links that I used to help me in the develop process:
*Building the API
* Heroku (to use MongoLab)
*Faker Tutorial
* Section 11 (Intro to Node, Mongo, & REST APIs) of the Begginner Full Stack Web Development course
* To learn about Readme

Rebecca Arantes