Iconified Tmux Theme

Tmux theme designed to show as many icons as possible, because you can never have to many of those!

Screenshots (more in the wiki page):


More details about features, predefined segments and screenshots can be found in the wiki page.


Both Battery and Wi Fi scripts can be any one you like, just make sure they are in your $PATH and they are called battery and wifi_network respectively.

Manual Installation:

  • Clone repo to local machine:
git clone https://github.com/farfanoide/iconified_tmuxtheme ~/.iconified_tmuxtheme
  • Source desired flavour in your ~/.tmux.conf:
source-file "${HOME}/.iconified_tmuxtheme/iconified_dark.tmuxtheme"
  • Add plugin to the list of TPM plugins in .tmux.conf and install it with prefix + I:
set -g @plugin 'farfanoide/iconified_tmuxtheme'
  • Set the desired flavour in your ~/tmux.conf:
set -g @iconified_flavour 'dark'

Note that iconified does not load itself by default, so you must set the desired flavour in order for it to work. This is to prevent the theme from automatically loading when the user might want to try another one.


If you installed it using tpm, there are some (still very basic) configuration options available, more will come in the future:

configuration option changes
@iconified_session_icon icon on session segment at start of left status bar
@iconified_time_icon icon prepended to time segment
@iconified_prefix_sent_icon icon to show when tmux prefix has been sent
@iconified_prefix_icon icon when tmux prefix has not been sent (basically most of the time)
@iconified_wifi_script name of the wifi script to execute
@iconified_battery_script name of the battery script to execute
@iconified_hostname_icon icon to show next to hostname
@iconified_clients_icon icon to show next to amount of clients attached to session
@iconified_window_linked_icon icon to show when window is linked
@iconified_window_zoomed_icon icon to show when window is zoomed
@iconified_window_last_icon icon to show when window was last visited
@iconified_window_silenced_icon icon to show when window has silence alert
@iconified_window_actived_icon icon to show when window has activity alert
@iconified_pane_sync_icon icon to show when panes are synced

To use them just set the required option on your ~/.tmux.conf.

# Example to change session icon:
set -g @iconified_session_icon '[]'

Left and right status bar might be completely changed configured like so:

set -g @iconified_status_left '#S'
set -g @iconified_status_right '#h'