Nothing fancy, just basic ray casting with 1D transfer functions and Blinn-Phong shading. University assignment on scientific/medical visualization.
- two-pass bounding box rasterization
- opacity correction
- early ray termination
- blinn-phong shading
- edge enhancement + toon shading
- pre-integrated transfer functions
- higher order interpolation
- higher order gradient estimation (sobel?)
- optimizations (octree, adaptive sampling)
- properly designed tf widget
- basically everything
qmake -f Makefile
./qvrc --help
Usage: ./qvrc [options]
GLSL Volume Raycasting
-h, --help Displays this help.
-v, --version Displays version information.
-f, --filename <path/to/filename.raw> Raw volumetric data filename
-s, --size <width,height,depth> Voxel data size
-x, --scale <xscale,yscale,zscale> Voxel scale / aspect ratio
-d, --bitdepth <8,10,12,16> Voxel bit depth
./qvrc -f datasets/dataset-stagbeetle-416x416x247.dat -s 416,416,247 -d 12 -x 1.0,1.0,0.68
Picked Qt because I needed multiplatform GL and some minimal GUI. Never did anything with it before (I'm a gtk+ guy), or C++ FWIW, and it was way out of my comfort zone. Still trying to understand what gets copied and what not. Still trying to accept all those stack allocations and class global variables. So... forgive the shitty code.