
solutions to a 4 weeks course in data science using python

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Python for Data Science

Solutions and exemplary problems coded while attending a 4 weeks course in data science using Python offered by Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India.

Python for Data Science
By Prof. Ragunathan Rengasamy | IIT Madras

Course Begin: July 25, 2022
Course Exam (Programming Test): September 16, 2022 (Duration of the session will be 3 hrs)
Course Exam (Theory Test):  September 25, 2022
Course Results: October 14, 2022

Course layout

Week 1: 

    • Introduction Spyder
    • Setting working Directory
    • Creating and saving a script file
    • File execution, clearing console, removing variables from environment, clearing environment
    • Commenting script files
    • Variable creation
    • Arithmetic and logical operators
    • Data types and associated operations

Week 2: 

  • Sequence data types and associated operations

    • Strings
    • Lists
    • Arrays
    • Tuples
    • Dictionary
    • Sets
    • Range
  • NumPy

    • ndArray

Week 3: 

  • Pandas dataframe and dataframe related operations on Toyota Corolla dataset

    • Reading files
    • Exploratory data analysis
    • Data preparation and preprocessing
  • Data visualization on Toyoto Corolla dataset using matplotlib and seaborn libraries

    • Scatter plot
    • Line plot
    • Bar plot
    • Histogram
    • Box plot
    • Pair plot
  • Control structures using Toyota Corolla dataset

    • if-else family
    • for loop
    • for loop with if break
    • while loop
  • Functions


  • Regression
    • Predicting price of pre-owned cars
  • Classification
    • Classifying personal income