
A versatile IRC bouncer for humans

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A versatile IRC bouncer.


If you want to set up ircb for development purpose. Follow the given steps

  • Install Python3 and Python3 development packages for your distro, if not already there. In Fedora, it'd be:
    sudo dnf install -y python3 python3-devel python3-pip python-virtualenvwrapper

  • Create a Python3 virtualenv:
    mkvirtualenv ircb --no-site-packages -p /usr/bin/python3

  • Activate the virtualenv ircb:
    workon ircb

  • Install dependencies:
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

  • Copy and extend ircb/config/default_settings.py, as needed, to a custom location. say, /etc/ircb/settings.py.

  • [OPTIONAL] export IRCB_SETTINGS=<path to your custom settings file>

  • Install the project as a development dep python3 setup.py develop

Setting up data

  • Creating a user:

    ircb users create USERNAME EMAIL [PASSWORD]
  • Creating a network for a user:

    ircb networks create USER NETWORK_NAME HOST PORT NICK

    You'll get an access token as an output of the above. Use this as server password when configuring your IRC client to connect to ircb.

Running the app

ircb runserver

Connecting for IRC client

Now, you should be able to connect to ircb from your IRC client at:

  • host/port: localhost/9000
  • server password: <your network access token>