
Android Better Log

Primary LanguageJava

Android Better Log

Easier and better way to create log message in android.

Why it's better?

  • Tag is optional.
  • It automatically add the position of log to your log message so you can find out where it happend.
  • Same syntax of android.util.Log and compatible with it.
  • You can add some lable in front of your log message.
  • You can fully disable logging with just setting a property.


First add this to your gradle

compile 'com.kia:betterlog:1.0.1'

then import it to each class you want

import com.kia.betterlog.Log;

public class MyClass {


You can set optional TAG


Log a simple message

Log.w("I am warning message.");
Log.d("I am debug message.");
Log.e("I am error message.");
Log.i("I am info message.");

sample output

W/MYTAG: [com.kia.betterlogapp.MainActivity.writeDummyLog]I am warning message.

The first bracket show where the log message happend.

Log with one label

Log.d("I am a label", "I am debug message");

sample output

d/MYTAG: [com.kia.betterlogapp.MainActivity.writeDummyLog][I am a label]I am debug message

Log with multiple label

Log.e(Arrays.asList("label1", "label2"), "I am debug message");

sample output

e/MYTAG: [com.kia.betterlogapp.MainActivity.writeDummyLog][label1][label2]I am error message.

Disabling log
