Build and Run The Demo App

Build Application and Push Image

  1. Fork this repo to your personal account
  2. Follow instructions here to build your application
  3. Commit and Push this change to Github
  4. Check Github Actions to check the status of the build and push

Deploy Application to Tanzu Community Edition

  1. Update GH_USER and image tag in file k8s/app.yaml line 39 with your github username and the lastest workflow run number
  2. Run the following commands
    kubectl apply -f yaml/deploy/demo-app.yaml
    kubectl port-forward svc/app 8080:8080 -n tanzu-devslam-spring
  3. Check your application http://localhost:8080


  1. Install Docker Desktop link
  2. Install Tanzu Community Edition Extenstion instructions
  3. Make sure you have JAVA 17 installed here