- 0
Inspiration - another CariSurau site
#125 opened by zulhfreelancer - 4
Homepage image standardise
#115 opened by Xavier-IV - 4
Scrape google map for each surau
#71 opened by farhan-helmy - 0
Migrate from JianLew Malaysia API to
#122 opened by farhan-helmy - 0
Migrate to PNPM
#120 opened by farhan-helmy - 1
Add admin panel
#108 opened by farhan-helmy - 3
- 1
Unable to run yarn db:seed
#118 opened by Altafxx - 3
User can edit their own profile
#57 opened by farhan-helmy - 2
Waktu solat countdown
#65 opened by farhan-helmy - 1
Reporting/Flagging feature
#114 opened by Xavier-IV - 0
Allow user to add more pic if pic is missing
#110 opened by farhan-helmy - 1
- 3
Random surau query for main page
#74 opened by farhan-helmy - 7
Remove/restyle scrollbar for windows and linux
#66 opened by ismi-abbas - 0
BUG Broken image on prod
#107 opened by farhan-helmy - 0
Homepage prioritise surau with images
#104 opened by Xavier-IV - 2
HIDE TRPC is returning user email in review
#102 opened by farhan-helmy - 7
add skeleton loading for /[surau] page
#51 opened by farhan-helmy - 1
- 1
- 3
Add initial review on adding new surau
#68 opened by ismi-abbas - 7
Migrate from uploadthing to S3
#95 opened by farhan-helmy - 2
Darkmode option!
#58 opened by farhan-helmy - 2
[Bug] 404 flicker on page open
#100 opened by Xavier-IV - 1
Inconsistent image size on desktop mode
#77 opened by ismi-abbas - 1
Put label on each surau kat search page
#50 opened by farhan-helmy - 2
Put label on each surau kat at homepage
#49 opened by farhan-helmy - 1
Unapproved surau is searchable via search tab
#81 opened by ismi-abbas - 2
- 0
Tiktok Verified Surau
#94 opened by farhan-helmy - 2
Error Page handling
#83 opened by Xavier-IV - 2
[Feature] Click Esc Key to exit Surau Search
#85 opened by naimhasim - 6
Wrong rating percentage calculation
#45 opened by ikram220999 - 1
- 0
Change favicon
#67 opened by ismi-abbas - 0
Add dropdown to sort most / highest reviewed surau at
#73 opened by farhan-helmy - 2
Google OAuth Setup (Copy Paste)
#63 opened by Xavier-IV - 1
Quick Onboarding Setup
#61 opened by Xavier-IV - 0
Add Surau save as draft function
#64 opened by farhan-helmy - 0
Add images on review didn't use uploadthings
#47 opened by ismi-abbas - 2
New feature suggestion: Qibla Compass
#46 opened by akmal-kamarudin - 2
Make picture clickable to view original size
#38 opened by farhan-helmy - 1
- 0
BUG: Mall not loaded on form
#41 opened by farhan-helmy - 0
- 0
carisurau user can follow other user
#55 opened by farhan-helmy - 0
- 2
Tag thumbnail image
#52 opened by ismi-abbas - 0
Badge achievements
#43 opened by farhan-helmy