A Flutter package to create easy slide animation countdown / countup timer.
- 12
- 1
Wrong UI duration
#70 opened by MkhytarMkhoian - 1
Incorrect UI display
#71 opened by zwy06 - 0
Use Listenable instead of Stream
#57 opened by farhanfadila1717 - 4
restart countdown
#56 opened by burakremzisenel - 0
- 1
onDone / onChanged with RawSlideCountdown
#69 opened by Aging-Developer - 2
Hot to control the start moment?
#67 opened by MkhytarMkhoian - 0
How to accept duration as a parameter
#68 opened by Aging-Developer - 0
- 0
How to change the background color
#64 opened by yancheng2 - 2
CountUp bug and accompanying fix code!
#61 opened by clayzx - 0
when the screen is locked
#60 opened by kevin915 - 1
Incorrect Display of Minutes and Seconds
#59 opened by hasanisaeed - 8
cpu usage issue
#14 opened by gaodeng - 2
- 3
strange behaviour in the count down
#54 opened by JgomesAT - 12
- 3
Bad state: Stream has already been listened to.
#29 opened by MaNoOoz - 2
Feature: Add `replaceable` support.
#27 opened by Rosario9527 - 1
- 2
Digits switch to the max value + 1 (60 seconds/minutes, 24 hours) before switching to the next digit (59 seconds/minutes, 23 hours)
#31 opened by appcapsergen - 1
onDone() in background state
#52 opened by synstin - 1
Bad state: Stream has already been listened to
#50 opened by synstin - 1
streamDuration bug
#39 opened by zlhz - 0
- 2
Text for Days, hours, minutes, sec
#44 opened by DevMansoor - 1
Still can't access to StreamDuration.
#34 opened by Bhavukarora03 - 1
Restart the counter
#38 opened by RamiHI - 0
- 1
Error in SlideCountdownSeparated
#43 opened by jjvillavicencio - 1
SlideCountdownSeparated digits are flipped
#42 opened by appcapsergen - 0
- 2
- 1
- 9
Reset countdown time
#17 opened by yj229201093 - 1
Countdown: characters and numbers correspond, there is a deviation at present, is there a solution?
#18 opened by yj229201093 - 1
Is the withDays property useless? I don't want to show days, but I want to show hours and seconds, even if hours and seconds are zero. How does it work? 0.3.3
#30 opened by yj229201093 - 5
- 2
SlideCountdown does not work with onChanged.
#23 opened by melow2 - 3
- 2
- 1
how to make slideDirection with no any animate?
#12 opened by bokanian - 2
"Play" message in the console
#10 opened by oza-c - 2
about change the timer
#11 opened by VimeshPolaris - 1
Issue in use the DurationTitle property
#9 opened by VimeshPolaris - 2
can you add localization for arabic
#8 opened by rulefahd - 1
Migrate to separated widget
#6 opened by farhanfadila1717 - 5
stop count down
#5 opened by ayechan-maung - 2
The first second is always 00:00
#4 opened by RUSSCITY