Awesome Architecture
A collection of awesome references regarding Software Architecture.
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- General Architecture Topics
- Architecture Principles and Patterns
- Domain Driven Design
- Architecture Evaluation
- Microservice and Self Contained Systems Architecture
General Architecture Topics
- International Software Architecture Qualification Board (iSAQB) - The International Standard in Training and Certification of Software Architects.
- iSAQB-Community - A community for knowledge exchange among certified software architects - independent from commercial interests.
- The iSAQB® Blog
- The (new) Software Architecture Foundation Curriculum - Summary about what Software Architects should learn, including lots of references.
- Certified Professional for Software Architecture® (CPSA) - Individual curricula for the CPSA-F and the advanced level courses.
Consulting and Training Services
Traininig Providers and Conference Hosts
- socreatory - The Software Creators' Academy - a collaboration of embarc and INNOQ.
- Software Architecture Camp
- S&S Software & Support Media
Eberhard Wolff: Software-Architektur: Worauf es ankommt
embarc: Architekturspicker - Short summaries of different aspects of software architecture.
innoq: Primer - Quick introduction into different aspects of software architecture.
Thoughtworks Technology Radar - An opinionated guide to technology frontiers.
Enterprise Architecture, Organization Development
- Game storming - Co-Creation Tools used by innovators around the world.
- - Cards for Analyzing and Reflecting on Doomed Software.
Modeling and Documentation
Stefan Zörner: So sieht’s aus! Architekturüberblicke – Tipps und Tricks - Talk about creating an architecture overview.
Stefan Zörner: Architektur ohne Firlefanz - Ihre Lösung auf einem Bierdeckel - How a minimal architecture documentation can look like (in German).
- Falk Sippach: Corona-Warn-App unter der Lupe - The German Corona Warn App System as an example for minimal architecture documentation (in German).
Gernot Starke et al.: arc42 Template
- Gernot Starke et al.: arc42 Documentation
- Gernot Starke: Html Sanity Check as example for arc42
- Stefan Zörner: DokChess als Beispiel für arc42
- Stefan Zörner: Konzept oder Entscheidung in arc42?
Simon Brown: The C4 Model for Visualizing Software Architecture
- Phillip Beauvoir & Jean-Baptiste Sarrodie: C4 Model, Architecture Viewpoint and Archi 4.7
Agile Modeling - Effective Practices for Modeling and Documentation.
oose Innovative Informatik GmbH: UML 2.5 Notationsübersicht - A short PDF with an example for each UML2.5 diagram type (in German).
UML - UML link collection.
- PlantUML in a nutshell - A quick overview on different UML / non-UML diagram types.
- Kapitel 5.1 "Die Diagrammarten der UML2" in Gernot Starke: Effektive Softwarearchitekturen, Hanser Verlag, 5. überarbeitete Auflage, 2011. ISBN: 978-3-446-42728-0.
Diagrams - Diagrams lets you draw the cloud system architecture in Python code.
Architectural Katas
Architectural Katas - Exercise being a Software Architect.
Neal Ford: Architectural Katas - Katas curated by Neal Ford.
Google User Group: ArchitecturalKatas - Organize or discuss architectural katas.
(Katas are down, error 410) Ted Neward: Architectural Katas - Reference to the original materials - unfortunately the katas are down, probably due to an outdated bitbucket API reference.
Evolutionary Architecture
Neal Ford, Rebecca Parsons, Patrick Kua: Building Evolutionary Architecture, O'Reilly Media, Inc., 09/2017, ISBN: 9781491986363
Paula Paul, Rosemary Wang: Fitness function-driven development - Overview and tips on how to start.
Neal Ford, Rebecca Parsons, Patrick Kua: Fitness Function Katas
Software Tools
ArchiMate - Open source modelling toolkit to create ArchiMate models and sketches. Used by thousands of Enterprise Architects throughout the world.
Axivion Suite - Quantitative Software- and Architecture-Quality Analysis.
Code Scene - Source code analyzer which specializes on analyzing team dynamics from vcs data*
- docToolChain
- docToolchain: How to install docToolchain - How to setup docToolchain and a new arc42 based documentation folder.
- Gernot Starke: Html Sanity Check
- AsciiDoctor Writer's Guide - Gentle introduction to AsciiDoc.
- AsciiDoc Syntax Quick Reference
- AsciiDoc Language Documentation - Detailed reference manual.
- AsciiDoctor Skins (CSS)
- AsciiDoctor PDF Theming Guide
- Asciidoctor reveal.js Documentation - transform an AsciiDoc document into an HTML5 presentation.
- Benjamin Schmid: bentolor / java9to13 - a HTML5 Asciidoctor / Asciidoctor-RevealJS based presentation about everyting new and important since Java 8.
Workplace Solutios Domain Story Modeller - Domain Story Modelling online.
Modelio - The open source modeling environment.
pandoc template Eisvogel - pandoc LaTeX template to convert your markdown files to PDF or LaTeX.
PlantUML - Draw diagrams from text description
- PlantText UML Editor - Online editor and renderer for PlantUML.
- Github Repository
- Simon Brown: Visualise, document and explore your software architecture, NDC { London }, 2017.
Lists of Recommended Books and Authors
iSAQB: Empfohlene Literatur - Literature on software architecture recommended by the international Software Architecture Qualification Board.
iSAQB References for Software Architecture - An extensive and annotate list of references (books, articles, links) regarding software architecture (and development).
Grady Booch: Books in Handbook of Software Architecture - Grady Booch's list of books on software architecture.
iSAQB Glossary of Software Architecture Terminology - An extensive glossary of software architecture (and development) terminology.
Architecture Principles and Patterns
- - A methodology for building software-as-a-service apps.
- Independent Systems Architecture - best practices based on experience in particular with microservices and Self-contained Systems and the challenges faced in those projects.
- Self-Contained Systems (SCS)
Domain Driven Design
- Workplace Solutions Domain Story Modeler - Online Domain Story Modeler by WPS.
Trainings on DDD
- Podcast: Domain-driven Design (Part 1, German) in - heise Software ArchitekTOUR Podcast (German), episode 59
Web-Links on DDD
- DDD Heuristics
- Domain Storytelling - Describes what Domain Storytelling is and how to do it.
- Self-Contained Systems SCS
- Leasing Ninja - Hands-On Example.
Books on DDD
- Vaughn Vernon: Domain-Driven Design Distilled
- Vaughn Vernon: Implementing Domain-Driven Design
- Eric Evans: Domain-Driven Design
- Eric Evans: DDD Reference
- Eric Evans: Domain-Driven Design Referenz (German), übersetzt von Michael Plöd, Christian Stettler, Eberhard Wolff
- Scott Millett and Nick Tune: Patterns, Principles, and Practices of Domain-Driven Design
- GitHub: elbandit / PPPDDD
Architecture Evaluation
Trainings on Architecture Evaluation
Web Links on Architecture Evaluation
Troy Meggenis on Statistics - almost anything you could like to have in an approachable format.
Douglas W. Hubbard: How to Measure Anything, 3d ed, Wiley & Sons, 2014
Jane Cleland-Huang and Mark Denne: Software by Numbers Low-Risk, High-Return Development, Sun Microsystems Press, 2004
Tom DeMarco, Timothy Lister: Waltzing with Bears: Managing Risk on Software Projects, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2013
Microservice and Self Contained Systems Architecture
Trainings on Microservice and SCS Architecture
- Modul FLEX - Flexible Architekturen: Microservices, Self-contained Systems und Continuous Delivery (German) - A training course on modern web service architecture (gives iSAQB CPSA-AL credits).
Web Links on Microservice and SCS Architecture
- Eberhard Wolff: Technologies for Microservices - Blog article with link collection about general microservice technologies.
- Eberhard Wolff: Microservice Rezepte (German) - Brochure on technology receipes to implement microservices.
- Eberhard Wolff: github / ewolff / scs-esi - Example: Frontend integration for Self Contained Systems using Varnish.