
React hook for creating simple keyboard shortcuts

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


React hook for creating simple keyboard shortcuts.

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npm install @reecelucas/react-use-hotkeys

This package has a single dependency, a tiny shim called shim-keyboard-event-key that normalises the non-standard KeyBoardEvent.key values implemented in Edge and IE.

Example Usage

All hotkey combinations must use valid KeyBoardEvent "key" values. A full list can be found on MDN and Wes Bos has created a great interactive lookup.

// Single keys
useHotkeys('Escape', () => {
  console.log('some action');

useHotkeys('F7', () => {
  console.log('some action');

// Modifier combinations
useHotkeys('Meta+Shift+z', () => {
  console.log('some action');

// Key sequences
useHotkeys('w s d', () => {
  console.log('some action');

useHotkeys('w " " d', () => {
  // space key in sequence (`w ' ' d` also works)
  console.log('some action');

// Multiple key combinations mapped to the same callback
useHotkeys(['Control+z', 'Meta+z'], () => {
  console.log('some action');

useHotkeys(['a', 'Meta+z', 'w s d'], () => {
  console.log('some action');

The following patterns are not supported:

// Modifier keys in sequences
useHotkeys('Control i d', () => {
  console.log("I won't run!");

// Modifier combinations in sequences
useHotkeys('Control+z i d', () => {
  console.log("I won't run!");

If you find a use case where the API is too restrictive you can use the escape hatch to perform whatever custom logic you need:

useHotkeys('*', event => {
  console.log("I will run on every keydown");

  if (customKeyLogic(event)) {
    console.log("some action");

Call Signature

useHotkeys(hotkeys: string | string[], callback: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void);


Tests use Jest and react-testing-library.

git clone git@github.com:reecelucas/react-use-hotkeys.git
cd react-use-hotkeys
yarn test