
A pdfviewer for android jetpack compose with search feature

Primary LanguageKotlin


A pdfviewer for android jetpack compose with search feature


Main Features

  1. Single line of code
  2. Zooming
  3. Search word in page
  4. Share either file or page
  5. Smooth scrolling (horizontal/vertical)
  6. Remember last visited page


Below are steps to implement in your android studio compose project

Step 1:

Place below in repository{} block of settings.gradle.kts

maven {
     url = uri("https://repo.itextsupport.com/android")

step 2

Place it in dependencies{} block of app level gradle file



There are two ways to use PagePilot Pdf Viewer.

  1. Already provided Templete which needs just single line of code.
  2. Customize by your self


val uri:Uri = ...
 PdfView(fileuri = uri)

Other properties

fun PdfView(
    fileuri: Uri,
    password: String? = null, //password if any
    topbarcolor: Color = Color.White, //container color of top bar
    iconscolor: Color = Color.Black, // icons color used in the view e.g. icons in top bar
    counterbackgroundcolor: Color = Color.Gray, //page counter background color
    OnError: (error: String) -> Unit = {}


To list pdf files, I have provided a utility to get all pdf files:

 val types = arrayOf("application/pdf") // type of file to list. here I only want to list pdf files
 val files = PagePilotUtils.listFiles(context,types)

This will return a list of PdfFile object data class which is already available in the package:

data class PdfFile(
    val id:Long,
    val path:String,
    val uri:String,
    val name:String,
    val size:Long,
    val datetime:Long,
    val type:String


To list pdf files, you have to use:

        tools:ignore="ScopedStorage" />

Note:Sample project is also available in the repo. just clone it


To use PagePilot PdfViewer in customize way:

Get Main Object

First get the main object and then use it methods:

val mPdfTool = PdfViewTool.Builder(context)

Open Document

 mPdfTool?.let { tool ->
           if(tool.isProtected(uri)){ //this will check if file is protected
               tool.openDocument(uri, password){ error ->
                       //log error here
           } else {
               tool.openDocument(uri){ error ->
                    //log error here
            mPageCount = tool.getPageCount()
            Log.e(TAG_PDFTOOL,"PageCount: $mPageCount")

Close Document

It is necessary to close the document onstop of the activity


Get page as bitmap

     scaleFactor = scaleFactor, //this is to get scaled image. e.g. 1.0 for same size and 1.5 to upscale
     index = index, //get the page e.g. to get the first page = 0
     search = search // if you want to search a word the provide it else provide empty string = ""

Get page size in rectangle


Get total pages count


Get pdf details


This will return object of PdfDetails class

data class PdfDetails(
    val author:String?,
    val creator:String?,
    val title:String?,
    val keywords:String?,
    val subject:String?,
    val created:String?


I have no time to test it thoroughly. So do not panic if some issue occures. Kindly open an issue and I will try my best to solve it.

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