
An android library that simplifiy firebase cloud messaging/push notification

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Introducing PushPilot: the ultimate Android library that eliminates the headache of implementing Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) in your app. With PushPilot, you can integrate GCM with just one simple step, saving your time and effort. Say goodbye to complex setups and hello to seamless push notification integration with PushPilot.

Step 1:

Add firebase to your project by following the google steps

Step 2:

Implement PushPilot:

implementation "io.github.farimarwat:pushpilot:1.0"

Final Step:



Run the app and get the token from android studio log by filtering "GCM Token"

Go to firebase console, Engage>Messaging>Cloud Messaging and send a test message using this token.

Note:Some time you may receive the push message very late. Its google problem not the library