
A modular exploitation framework extensible with Lua

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Venera Framework

Venera is a tool for automating customized tests and attacks agaist many kinds of protocol. It relies on a scripting engine based on the Lua scripting language that makes it possible to create modules for all types of checks and exploits. The framework is a manager and interpreter of lua scripts that provides functions and libraries for the creation of powerful tools integrated with services used during unitary tests, vulnerability scanning and exploitation fase. The user can create its own modules or use community made scripts, the tool is switchable for all kinds of need situation.

See the docs venera.farinap5.com

Download and Run

No binary files are included, have go environment installed.

make install-go-apt
git clone git@github.com:farinap5/Venera.git
cd  Venera
make run

Help Menu

---------------  -----------
help             Show help menu. Type `help <cmd>`.
bash             Spawns a shell
import           Import a (edited) script
export           Export a script (to edit)
globals          Show global variables
vpm              Venera package manager
exit             Exits the prompt
search           Searches a script
use              Load a script

--------------  -----------
set             Set value for a variable
run             Run a script/module
back            Exit module/script
options         Show variables of script/module
lua             Run Lua code in running script
info            Info/metadata about script/module
reload          Reloads the current script/module

Use help command to describe each command with examples.

[vnr]>> help search

    `search` list scripts.
    `search match <key>` list matching patterns.
    `search match:path <key>` list path matching.
    `search match:description <key>` list description matching.
    `search tag <tag1 tag2...>` list matching tags.

A simple example of the interface:

How does a module work?

The module is a lua script created with one or many goals, the module will execute a routine of your choice as you would code it as you want.

The modules done allow testers to target a specific, known vulnerability, or to perform generic verifications against the remote/local target.

See some examples in: https://github.com/farinap5/Venera/tree/main/scripts/test.

The module has some essential tables as METADATA and VARS being loaded from Init(), and then the Main() function with the entrypoint of custom functions.


METADATA takes information reguarding the script so Venera can identify this module in its script base, all fields need to be configured properly.

  • AUTHOR is a list of strings, others who created the script or have participated in research for that flaw it abuses as example.
  • VERSION module/script version.
  • TAGS Some tags that define the script and its purpose. Scripts can be searched and executed based on their tags.
  • INFO The description of the script can, fault that abuses, type of test, proposed mitigations, it's up to the creator.
    AUTHOR = {"Author1 <author1@mail.com>"},
    VERSION = "0.1",
    TAGS = {"example","http","scanner"},
    INFO = [[HTTP requests with lua-go]]

Table VARS

VARS table loads the script's variables, which it uses as parameters for its actions.

VARS = {
    URL = {VALUE="http://example.com", NEEDED="yes", DESCRIPT="URL"},

When the variables are setted in VARS table, the user is able to interact with them using the command options to list those variables, and then the command set to configure a value for a variable:

(scripts/test/http.lua)>> options

--------  -------             ------  -----------
URL       http://example.com  yes     URL
METHOD    GET                 yes     METHOD

As mentioned, user also can edit those variables with the set command:

(scripts/test/http.lua)>> set URL http://google.com
[OK] URL <- http://google.com

Function Init()

When you run use <script.lua> the Init() function is automatically executed, so the metadata and variables are loaded. You can put other things in the function to load on the first iteraction.

function Init()
    Meta(METADATA) -- Load metadata 
    LoadVars(VARS) -- Load variables

Function Main()

The function Main() is the entrypoint of your custom script. It is called when user types run.

function Main()
    local request = http.request(VARS.METHOD.VALUE, VARS.URL.VALUE)
    local result, err = client:do_request(request)

Built-in Functions

You can call those function within the script without requirements. Those functions are written in golang and can be called from the lua script.

PrintSuccs( str ) Print success message.

PrintErr( str ) Print error message.

PrintInfo( str ) Print info message.

PrintSuccsln( str ) Print success message with line ending.

PrintErrln( str ) Print error message with line ending.

PrintInfoln( str ) Print info message with line ending.

Print( str ) Print string.

Println( str ) Print string with line ending.

RandomString( length=int , "a-zA-Z0-9" ) -> str Generates random string.

Input( str ) -> str Prompt for an user input.

Open( str ) -> str Read a local file.

Call( path=str ) Call another script/module. The ARGS from caller scripts are inherited by scripts being called.