
Output formatted byte information from monochrome bit mapped images.

Primary LanguagePython


Font to raw

Fontoraw began its life as a tool to batch edit characters on 8 bit computer fonts but it can be used for any kind of bitmap to bytes conversion. You save a .png font dump, edit it on a graphic program and use Fontoraw to generate an output file to read back or paste on the target computer. Fontoraw scans the image from top left to bottom right accordng to the parameters given.
You can format the output file on a variety of ways to better suit your needs.

Fontoraw needs the Pillow library.

Input example:
Example PNG

Some output examples:


decb 0x78,0xfc,0xcc,0xcc,0xcc,0xfc,0x78,0x00,0x70,0xf0,0xf0,0x30,0x30,0xfc,0xfc,0x00  
decb 0x78,0xfc,0xcc,0x1c,0x38,0xfc,0xfc,0x00,0x78,0xfc,0xcc,0x18,0xcc,0xfc,0x78,0x00  


10 data 120,252,204,204,204,252,120,0  
20 data 112,240,240,48,48,252,252,0  



You must enter the parameters on the code itself:

  • png_file = ''
    The .png file to load.

  • out_file = ''
    The output file. A text file or a hex dump, depending on the data format.

  • out_type = 0
    Where to output the data:
    If hex dump is chosen as the data format the output will be binary otherwise a text file will be exported.
    0 Screen and file.
    1 Screen.
    2 File.

  • data_form = 0
    The data format:
    0 Decimal.
    1 Hexadecimal.
    2 Binary.
    3 Hex dump.

  • char_w = 0
    The width of each character.

  • char_h = 0
    The height of each character.

  • srt_char = 0
    The first character to convert.
    The first character is 1

  • end_char = 0
    The last character to convert.

  • txt_pref = ''
    The text at the start of each line.
    ie. decb

  • data_pref = ''
    A prefix for each byte.
    ie. 0x

  • data_sep = ''
    A separator for the bytes.
    ie. ,

  • data_pad = 0
    If the bytes are padded with 0s:
    0 Not padded.
    1 Padded.

  • data_batch = 0
    The amount of bytes on each line.

  • line_gap = 0
    Insert a blank line after this many lines.

  • line_srt = 0
    Start a number count to go at the start if the line.
    (Useful for Basic)

  • line_inc = 0
    The line number increment.
    0 For no line numbering.

  • byte_pad = 0
    Pad bytes with less than 8 bits:
    0 In front.
    1 At the end.

  • luma_tresh = 0
    0 to 255
    The pixel luminance to turn to white.
    All else will be black.

  • verbose = 2
    The amount of feedback given:
    0 None
    1 Errors
    2 All