Common and useful utils for the Go project development.
- Only rely on the Go standard package
- Functions or lightweight packages
- Non-business related general tools
- BitSet A bit set
- Calendar Chinese Lunar Calendar, Solar Calendar and cron time rules
- CoarseTime Current time truncated to the nearest 100ms
- Errors Improved errors package.
- Graceful Shutdown or reboot current process gracefully.
- GoPool Goroutines' pool
- ResPool Resources' pool
- Workshop Working workshop
- Various Various small functions
A bit set.
import it
New creates a bit set object.
func New(init ...byte) *BitSet
NewFromHex creates a bit set object from hex string.
func NewFromHex(s string) (*BitSet, error)
Not returns ^b.
func (b *BitSet) Not() *BitSet
And returns all the "AND" bit sets.
If the bitSets are empty, returns b.func (b *BitSet) And(bitSets ...*BitSet) *BitSet
Or returns all the "OR" bit sets.
If the bitSets are empty, returns b.func (b *BitSet) Or(bitSet ...*BitSet) *BitSet
Xor returns all the "XOR" bit sets.
If the bitSets are empty, returns b.func (b *BitSet) Xor(bitSet ...*BitSet) *BitSet
AndNot returns all the "&^" bit sets.
If the bitSets are empty, returns b.func (b *BitSet) AndNot(bitSet ...*BitSet) *BitSet
Set sets the bit bool value on the specified offset, and returns the value of before setting.
0 means the 1st bit, -1 means the bottom 1th bit, -2 means the bottom 2th bit and so on;
If offset>=len(b.set), automatically grow the bit set;
If the bit offset is out of the left range, returns error.func (b *BitSet) Set(offset int, value bool) (bool, error)
Get gets the bit bool value on the specified offset.
0 means the 1st bit, -1 means the bottom 1th bit, -2 means the bottom 2th bit and so on;
If offset>=len(b.set), returns false.func (b *BitSet) Get(offset int) bool
Range calls f sequentially for each bit present in the bit set.
If f returns false, range stops the iteration.func (b *BitSet) Range(f func(offset int, truth bool) bool)
Count counts the amount of bit set to 1 within the specified range of the bit set.
0 means the 1st bit, -1 means the bottom 1th bit, -2 means the bottom 2th bit and so on.func (b *BitSet) Count(start, end int) int
Clear clears the bit set.
func (b *BitSet) Clear()
Size returns the bits size.
func (b *BitSet) Size() int
Bytes returns the bit set copy bytes.
func (b *BitSet) Bytes() []byte
Binary returns the bit set by binary type.
Paramter sep is the separator between chars.func (b *BitSet) Binary(sep string) string
String returns the bit set by hex type.
func (b *BitSet) String() string
Sub returns the bit subset within the specified range of the bit set.
0 means the 1st bit, -1 means the bottom 1th bit, -2 means the bottom 2th bit and so on.func (b *BitSet) Sub(start, end int) *BitSet
Chinese Lunar Calendar, Solar Calendar and cron time rules.
import it
The current time truncated to the nearest second.
import it
FloorTimeNow returns the current time from the range (now-100ms,now]. This is a faster alternative to time.Now().
func FloorTimeNow() time.Time
CeilingTimeNow returns the current time from the range [now,now+100ms). This is a faster alternative to time.Now().
func CeilingTimeNow() time.Time
Errors is improved errors package.
import it
New returns an error that formats as the given text.
func New(text string) error
Errorf formats according to a format specifier and returns the string as a value that satisfies error.
func Errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) error
Merge merges multi errors.
func Merge(errs ...error) error
Append appends multiple errors to the error.
func Append(err error, errs ...error) error
Shutdown or reboot current process gracefully.
import it
GraceSignal open graceful shutdown or reboot signal.
func GraceSignal()
SetShutdown sets the function which is called after the process shutdown, and the time-out period for the process shutdown. If 0<=timeout<5s, automatically use 'MinShutdownTimeout'(5s). If timeout<0, indefinite period. 'firstSweepFunc' is first executed. 'beforeExitingFunc' is executed before process exiting.
func SetShutdown(timeout time.Duration, firstSweepFunc, beforeExitingFunc func() error)
Shutdown closes all the frame process gracefully. Parameter timeout is used to reset time-out period for the process shutdown.
func Shutdown(timeout ...time.Duration)
Reboot all the frame process gracefully.
Windows system are not supported!func Reboot(timeout ...time.Duration)
AddInherited adds the files and envs to be inherited by the new process.
Only for reboot!
Windows system are not supported!func AddInherited(procFiles []*os.File, envs []*Env)
Logger logger interface
Logger interface { Infof(format string, v ...interface{}) Errorf(format string, v ...interface{}) }
SetLog resets logger
func SetLog(logger Logger)
GoPool is a Goroutines pool. It can control concurrent numbers, reuse goroutines.
import it
GoPool executes concurrently incoming function via a pool of goroutines in FILO order, i.e. the most recently stopped goroutine will execute the next incoming function. Such a scheme keeps CPU caches hot (in theory).
type GoPool struct { // Has unexported fields. }
NewGoPool creates a new *GoPool. If maxGoroutinesAmount<=0, will use default value. If maxGoroutineIdleDuration<=0, will use default value.
func NewGoPool(maxGoroutinesAmount int, maxGoroutineIdleDuration time.Duration) *GoPool
Go executes the function via a goroutine. If returns non-nil, the function cannot be executed because exceeded maxGoroutinesAmount limit.
func (gp *GoPool) Go(fn func()) error
TryGo tries to execute the function via goroutine. If there are no concurrent resources, execute it synchronously.
func (gp *GoPool) TryGo(fn func())
Stop starts GoPool. If calling 'Go' after calling 'Stop', will no longer reuse goroutine.
func (gp *GoPool) Stop()
ResPool is a high availability/high concurrent resource pool, which automatically manages the number of resources. So it is similar to database/sql's db pool.
import it
ResPool is a pool of zero or more underlying avatar(resource). It's safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines. ResPool creates and frees resource automatically; it also maintains a free pool of idle avatar(resource).
type ResPool interface { // Name returns the name. Name() string // Get returns a object in Resource type. Get() (Resource, error) // GetContext returns a object in Resource type. // Support context cancellation. GetContext(context.Context) (Resource, error) // Put gives a resource back to the ResPool. // If error is not nil, close the avatar. Put(Resource, error) // Callback callbacks your handle function, returns the error of getting resource or handling. // Support recover panic. Callback(func(Resource) error) error // Callback callbacks your handle function, returns the error of getting resource or handling. // Support recover panic and context cancellation. CallbackContext(context.Context, func(Resource) error) error // SetMaxLifetime sets the maximum amount of time a resource may be reused. // // Expired resource may be closed lazily before reuse. // // If d <= 0, resource are reused forever. SetMaxLifetime(d time.Duration) // SetMaxIdle sets the maximum number of resources in the idle // resource pool. // // If SetMaxIdle is greater than 0 but less than the new MaxIdle // then the new MaxIdle will be reduced to match the SetMaxIdle limit // // If n <= 0, no idle resources are retained. SetMaxIdle(n int) // SetMaxOpen sets the maximum number of open resources. // // If MaxIdle is greater than 0 and the new MaxOpen is less than // MaxIdle, then MaxIdle will be reduced to match the new // MaxOpen limit // // If n <= 0, then there is no limit on the number of open resources. // The default is 0 (unlimited). SetMaxOpen(n int) // Close closes the ResPool, releasing any open resources. // // It is rare to close a ResPool, as the ResPool handle is meant to be // long-lived and shared between many goroutines. Close() error // Stats returns resource statistics. Stats() ResPoolStats }
NewResPool creates ResPool.
func NewResPool(name string, newfunc func(context.Context) (Resource, error)) ResPool
Resource is a resource that can be stored in the ResPool.
type Resource interface { // SetAvatar stores the contact with resPool // Do not call it yourself, it is only called by (*ResPool).get, and will only be called once SetAvatar(*Avatar) // GetAvatar gets the contact with resPool // Do not call it yourself, it is only called by (*ResPool).Put GetAvatar() *Avatar // Close closes the original source // No need to call it yourself, it is only called by (*Avatar).close Close() error }
Avatar links a Resource with a mutex, to be held during all calls into the Avatar.
type Avatar struct { // Has unexported fields. }
Free releases self to the ResPool. If error is not nil, close it.
func (avatar *Avatar) Free(err error)
ResPool returns ResPool to which it belongs.
func (avatar *Avatar) ResPool() ResPool
ResPools stores ResPool.
type ResPools struct { // Has unexported fields. }
NewResPools creates a new ResPools.
func NewResPools() *ResPools
Clean delects and close all the ResPools.
func (c *ResPools) Clean()
Del delects ResPool by name, and close the ResPool.
func (c *ResPools) Del(name string)
Get gets ResPool by name.
func (c *ResPools) Get(name string) (ResPool, bool)
GetAll gets all the ResPools.
func (c *ResPools) GetAll() []ResPool
Set stores ResPool. If the same name exists, will close and cover it.
func (c *ResPools) Set(pool ResPool)
Working workshop
import it
Type definition
type ( // Worker woker interface // Note: Worker can not be implemented using empty structures(struct{})! Worker interface { Health() bool Close() error } // Workshop working workshop Workshop struct { // Has unexported fields. } )
NewWorkshop creates a new workshop.
If maxQuota<=0, will use default value.
If maxIdleDuration<=0, will use default value.
Worker can not be implemented using empty structures(struct{})!func NewWorkshop(maxQuota int, maxIdleDuration time.Duration, newWorkerFunc func() (Worker, error)) *Workshop
Close wait for all the work to be completed and close the workshop.
func (w *Workshop) Close()
Callback assigns a healthy worker to execute the function.
func (w *Workshop) Callback(fn func(Worker) error) error
Fire marks the worker to reduce a job.
If the worker does not belong to the workshop, close the worker.func (w *Workshop) Fire(worker Worker)
Hire hires a healthy worker and marks the worker to add a job.
func (w *Workshop) Hire() (Worker, error)
Stats returns the current workshop stats.
func (w *Workshop) Stats() *WorkshopStats
Various small functions.
import it
BytesToString convert []byte type to string type.
func BytesToString(b []byte) string
StringToBytes convert string type to []byte type. NOTE: panic if modify the member value of the []byte.
func StringToBytes(s string) []byte
NewRandom creates a new padded Encoding defined by the given alphabet string.
func NewRandom(alphabet string) *Random
RandomBytes returns securely generated random bytes. It will panic if the system's secure random number generator fails to function correctly.
func RandomBytes(n int) []byte
URLRandomString returns a URL-safe, base64 encoded securely generated
random string. It will panic if the system's secure random number generator
fails to function correctly.
The length n must be an integer multiple of 4, otherwise the last character will be padded with=
.func URLRandomString(n int) string
CamelString converts the accepted string to a camel string (xx_yy to XxYy)
func CamelString(s string) string
SnakeString converts the accepted string to a snake string (XxYy to xx_yy)
func SnakeString(s string) string
ObjectName gets the type name of the object
func ObjectName(obj interface{}) string
JsQueryEscape escapes the string in javascript standard so it can be safely placed inside a URL query.
func JsQueryEscape(s string) string
JsQueryUnescape does the inverse transformation of JsQueryEscape, converting %AB into the byte 0xAB and '+' into ' ' (space). It returns an error if any % is not followed by two hexadecimal digits.
func JsQueryUnescape(s string) (string, error)
Map is a concurrent map with loads, stores, and deletes. It is safe for multiple goroutines to call a Map's methods concurrently.
type Map interface { // Load returns the value stored in the map for a key, or nil if no // value is present. // The ok result indicates whether value was found in the map. Load(key interface{}) (value interface{}, ok bool) // Store sets the value for a key. Store(key, value interface{}) // LoadOrStore returns the existing value for the key if present. // Otherwise, it stores and returns the given value. // The loaded result is true if the value was loaded, false if stored. LoadOrStore(key, value interface{}) (actual interface{}, loaded bool) // Range calls f sequentially for each key and value present in the map. // If f returns false, range stops the iteration. Range(f func(key, value interface{}) bool) // Random returns a pair kv randomly. // If exist=false, no kv data is exist. Random() (key, value interface{}, exist bool) // Delete deletes the value for a key. Delete(key interface{}) // Clear clears all current data in the map. Clear() // Len returns the length of the map. Len() int }
RwMap creates a new concurrent safe map with sync.RWMutex. The normal Map is high-performance mapping under low concurrency conditions.
func RwMap(capacity Map
AtomicMap creates a concurrent map with amortized-constant-time loads, stores, and deletes. It is safe for multiple goroutines to call a atomicMap's methods concurrently. From go v1.9 sync.Map.
func AtomicMap() Map
SelfPath gets compiled executable file absolute path.
func SelfPath() string
SelfDir gets compiled executable file directory.
func SelfDir() string
RelPath gets relative path.
func RelPath(targpath string) string
SelfChdir switch the working path to my own path.
func SelfChdir()
FileExists reports whether the named file or directory exists.
func FileExists(name string) bool
SearchFile Search a file in paths. This is often used in search config file in
func SearchFile(filename string, paths ...string) (fullpath string, err error)
GrepFile like command grep -E. For example: GrepFile(
, "hello.txt").\n
is striped while readfunc GrepFile(patten string, filename string) (lines []string, err error)
WalkDirs traverses the directory, return to the relative path. You can specify the suffix.
func WalkDirs(targpath string, suffixes ...string) (dirlist []string)
IsExportedOrBuiltinType is this type exported or a builtin?
func IsExportedOrBuiltinType(t reflect.Type) bool
IsExportedName is this an exported - upper case - name?
func IsExportedName(name string) bool
PanicTrace trace panic stack info.
func PanicTrace(kb int) []byte
ExtranetIP get external IP addr.
func ExtranetIP() (ip string, err error)
IntranetIP get internal IP addr.
func IntranetIP() (string, error)
Md5 returns the MD5 checksum string of the data.
func Md5(b []byte) string
AESEncrypt encrypts a piece of data. The cipherkey argument should be the AES key, either 16, 24, or 32 bytes to select AES-128, AES-192, or AES-256.
func AESEncrypt(cipherkey, src []byte) []byte
AESDecrypt decrypts a piece of data. The cipherkey argument should be the AES key, either 16, 24, or 32 bytes to select AES-128, AES-192, or AES-256.
func AESDecrypt(cipherkey, ciphertext []byte) ([]byte, error)
WritePidFile writes the current PID to the specified file.
func WritePidFile(pidFile ...string)
SetToStrings sets a element to the string set.
func SetToStrings(set []string, a string) []string
RemoveFromStrings removes a element from the string set.
func RemoveFromStrings(set []string, a string) []string
RemoveAllFromStrings removes all the a element from the string set.
func RemoveAllFromStrings(set []string, a string) []string
SetToInts sets a element to the int set.
func SetToInts(set []int, a int) []int
RemoveFromInts removes a element from the int set.
func RemoveFromInts(set []int, a int) []int
RemoveAllFromInts removes all the a element from the int set.
func RemoveAllFromInts(set []int, a int) []int
SetToInt32s sets a element to the int32 set.
func SetToInt32s(set []int32, a int32) []int32
RemoveFromInt32s removes a element from the int32 set.
func RemoveFromInt32s(set []int32, a int32) []int32
RemoveAllFromInt32s removes all the a element from the int32 set.
func RemoveAllFromInt32s(set []int32, a int32) []int32
SetToInt64s sets a element to the int64 set.
func SetToInt64s(set []int64, a int64) []int64
RemoveFromInt64s removes a element from the int64 set.
func RemoveFromInt64s(set []int64, a int64) []int64
RemoveAllFromInt64s removes all the a element from the int64 set.
func RemoveAllFromInt64s(set []int64, a int64) []int64
SetToInterfaces sets a element to the interface{} set.
func SetToInterfaces(set []interface{}, a interface{}) []interface{}
RemoveFromInterfaces removes a element from the interface{} set.
func RemoveFromInterfaces(set []interface{}, a interface{}) []interface{}
RemoveAllFromInterfaces removes all the a element from the interface{} set.
func RemoveAllFromInterfaces(set []interface{}, a interface{}) []interface{}