
Repo for the Microsoft FarmBeats Student Kit project

Microsoft FarmBeats Student Kit

Welcome to the Microsoft FarmBeats Student Kit repo here on GitHub.


To help farmers meet increasing demands on their farms, they need to optimize their crops and maximize returns while preserving resources like water and soil. Precision agriculture is one practice that helps farmers to observe, measure and respond to variabilities with these goals in mind.


The Microsoft FarmBeats Student Kit is a tool to help enable data-driven farming. We believe that data, coupled with the farmer’s knowledge and intuition about their farm, can help increase farm productivity, and also help reduce costs.

Designed to get you up and running easily this Internet of Things (IoT) kit includes preconfigured Microsoft Azure cloud services and a Raspberry Pi with soil moisture, light, ambient temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure sensors to collect data that can provide insights to help you understand how to improve productivity, increase yield, and save resources.

The Microsoft FarmBeats Student Kits are easy-to-use solutions that help students learn about precision agriculture and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies.

Student Kits:

We hope you enjoy using the kits and we would love to hear from you for any successes or challenges you experience along the way.

The FarmBeats Student Kit team!