
Playnomics iOS SDK

Primary LanguageObjective-COtherNOASSERTION

Playnomics PlayRM iOS SDK Integration Guide

Considerations for Cross-Platform Applications

If you want to deploy your application to multiple platforms (eg: iOS, Android, etc), you'll need to create a separate Playnomics Applications in the control panel. Each application has a separate <APPID> used for tracking and messaging integration.

Supports iOS versions 5+.

Getting Started

Download and Installing the SDK

You can download the SDK from our releases page, or you can add our SDK to your CocoaPods Podfile with pod "Playnomics".

All of the necessary install files are in the Playnomics folder:

  • libPlaynomics.a
  • Playnomics.h
  • PNLogger.h

You can also fork this repo, building the PlaynomicsSDK project.

Import the SDK files into your existing app through Xcode.

Starting a PlayRM Session

To start tracking user engagement data, you need to first start a session. No other SDK calls will work until you do this.

In the class that implements AppDelegate, start the PlayRM Session in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method.

#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import "Playnomics.h"

@implementation AppDelegate

- (BOOL) application: (UIApplication *) application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    const unsigned long long applicationId = <APPID>;
    [Playnomics startWithApplicationId:applicationId];

    //other code to initialize your iOS application below this

You can either provide a dynamic <USER-ID> to identify each user:

+ (BOOL) startWithApplicationId:(unsigned long long) applicationId andUserId: (NSString *) userId;

or have PlayRM, generate a best-effort unique-identifier for the user:

+ (BOOL) startWithApplicationId:(unsigned long long) applicationId;

If you do choose to provide a <USER-ID>, this value should be persistent, anonymized, and unique to each user. This is typically discerned dynamically when a user starts the application. Some potential implementations:

  • An internal ID (such as a database auto-generated number).
  • A hash of the user's email address.

You cannot use the user's Facebook ID or any personally identifiable information (plain-text email, name, etc) for the <USER-ID>.

Tracking Intensity

To track user intensity, PlayRM needs to know about UI events occurring in the app. We provide an implementation of UIApplication<UIApplicationDelegate>, which automatically captures these events. In the main.m file of your iOS application, you pass this class name into the UIApplicationMain method:

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import "Playnomics.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    @autoreleasepool {
        return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, NSStringFromClass([PNApplication class]), NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class]));

If you already have your own implementation of UIApplication<UIApplicationDelegate> in main.m, just add the following code snippet to your class implementation:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "Playnomics.h"

@implementation YourApplication
- (void) sendEvent: (UIEvent *) event {
    [super sendEvent:event];
    [Playnomics onUIEventReceived:event];

Messaging Integration

This guide assumes you're already familiar with the concept of placements and messaging, and that you have all of the relevant placements setup for your application.

If you are new to PlayRM's messaging feature, please refer to integration documentation.

Once you have all of your placements created with their associated <PLACEMENT-ID>s, you can start the integration process.

SDK Integration

We recommend that you preload all placements when your application loads, so that you can quickly show a message when necessary:

+ (void) preloadPlacementsWithNames:(NSString *) firstPlacementName, ... NS_REQUIRES_NIL_TERMINATION;
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    [Playnomics startWithApplicationId:applicationId];
    //preloads placements at app start
    [Playnomics preloadPlacementsWithNames:@"placement 1", @"placement 2", @"placement 3", @"placement 4", nil];

Then when you're ready, you can show the placement:

+ (void) showPlacementWithName:(NSString *) placementName;
Name Type Description
placementName NSString* Unique identifier for a placement

Optionally, associate a class that can respond to the PlaynomicsPlacementDelegate protocol, to process rich data callbacks. See Using Rich Data Callbacks for more information.

+ (void) showPlacementWithName:(NSString *) placementName
                      delegate:(id<PlaynomicsPlacementDelegate>) delegate;
Name Type Description
placementName NSString* Unique identifier for a placement
delegate id<PlaynomicsPlacementDelegate> Processes rich data callbacks, see Using Rich Data Callbacks. This delegate is not retained, you are responsible for managing the lifecycle of this object.

By default, the SDK renders placements on the Root ViewController's view. If your application uses multiple ViewControllers, you need to explicitally set the parent View for the placement by calling:

+ (void) setPlacementParentView:(UIView *) parentView;
Name Type Description
parentView UIView * The parent view where the placement should be rendered.

Do this before, calling showPlacementWithName:

-(void) viewDidLoad {
    //Show the placement after the ViewController has been loaded
    [Playnomics setPlacementParentView: self.view];
    [Playnomics showPlacementWithName:@"placement 1"];

Using Rich Data Callbacks

Using an implementation of PlaynomicsPlacementDelegate your application can receive notifications when a placement:

  • Is shown in the screen.
  • Receives a touch event on the creative.
  • Is dismissed by the user, when they press the close button.
  • Can't be rendered in the view because of connectivity or other issues.
@protocol PlaynomicsPlacementDelegate <NSObject>
-(void) onShow: (NSDictionary *) jsonData;
-(void) onTouch: (NSDictionary *) jsonData;
-(void) onClose: (NSDictionary *) jsonData;
-(void) onDidFailToRender;

For each of these events, your delegate may also receive Rich Data that has been tied with this creative. Rich Data is a JSON message that you can associate with your message creative. In all cases, the jsonData value can be nil.

The actual contents of your JSON message can be delayed until the time of the messaging campaign configuration. However, the structure of your message needs to be decided before you can process it in your application. See example use-cases for rich data.

Validate Integration

After you've finished the installation, you should verify that your application is correctly integrated by checkout the integration verification section of your application page.

Using iOS SDK v1.4.0+ you can register your device as a Test Device and validate your events on the self-check page for your application: https://controlpanel.playnomics.com/applications/<APPID>

To test your in-app campaigns, you can enter your IDFV (id for vendor) and select which segments to fall into. Optionally, you can opt to not select any segments to simply see your device's data flowing through the validator.

This page will update with events as they occur in real-time, with any errors flagged.

We strongly recommend running the self-check validator before deploying your newly integrated application to production.

Full Integration


PlayRM allows you to track monetization through in-app purchases denominated in real US dollars.

+ (void) transactionWithUSDPrice: (NSNumber *) priceInUSD
                        quantity: (NSInteger) quantity;
Name Type Description
priceInUSD NSNumber * The price of the item in USD.
quantity NSInteger The number of items being purchased at the price specified.
NSNumber * priceInUSD = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.99];
NSInteger  quantity = 1;

[Playnomics transactionWithUSDPrice: priceInUSD quantity: quantity];

Install Attribution

PlayRM allows you track and segment based on the source of install attribution. You can track this at the level of a source like AdMob or MoPub, and optionally include a campaign and an install date. By default, PlayRM tracks the install date by the first day we started seeing engagement date for your users.

+ (void) attributeInstallToSource:(NSString *) source;

+ (void) attributeInstallToSource:(NSString *) source
                     withCampaign:(NSString *) campaign;

+ (void) attributeInstallToSource:(NSString *) source
                     withCampaign:(NSString *) campaign
                    onInstallDate:(NSDate *) installDate;
Name Type Description
source NSString * The source of install.
campaign NSString * The campaign for this source.
installDate NSDate * The date this user installed your app.
[Playnomics attributeInstallToSource:@"AdMob" withCampaign:@"Holiday" onInstallDate:[NSDate date]];

Custom Event Tracking

Custom Events may be used in a number of ways. They can be used to track certain key in-app events such as finishing a tutorial or receiving a high score. They may also be used to track other important lifecycle events such as level up, zone unlocked, etc. PlayRM, by default, supports up to five custom events. You can then use these custom events to create more targeted custom segments.

Each time a user completes a certain event, track it with this call:

+ (void) customEventWithName: (NSString *) customEventName;
Name Type Description
customEventName NSString * A string to indentify the event.

Example client-side calls for users completing events, with generated IDs:

[Playnomics customEventWithName: @"level 1 complete"];

Push Notifications

To set up push notifications, please view the wiki page.

Support Issues

If you have any questions or issues, please contact support@playnomics.com.

Change Log

Version 1.5.2

  • If userId was previously set, re-use it and ignore any new userId that is sent so DAU does not falsely fluctuate

Version 1.5.1

  • userId defaults to IDFV if none is ever passed
  • Send IDFA and limit ad tracking flag only for ad requests

Version 1.5.0

  • Internal refactoring for working with the Unity SDK
  • Improved the quality of unit tests

Version 1.4.2

  • Bug fix for tracking push notification at application launch

Version 1.4.1

  • Start a new session if the last event was captured 30 or more minutes ago

Version 1.4.0

  • setTestMode is deprecated
  • Send IDFA and IDFV for all events
  • userId defaults to IDFA if none is passed

Version 1.3.0

  • Frames are now Placements
    • The frames interface is still usable, but has become deprecated. You will receive build warnings when using these old methods.
  • Milestones are now Custom Events
    • The old milestones interface is still usable, but has become deprecated. You will receive build warnings when using these old methods.
    • Custom events are flexible: they can be described by a string, as opposed to just an enum.

Version 1.2.0

  • Support for 64 bit architectures.

Version 1.1.1

  • Send IDFA and allowTracking every time we request an ad for a placement.

Version 1.1.0

  • Support up to 25 custom events in the SDK

Version 1.0.1

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1

  • Support for 3rd party html-based advertisements
  • Support for simplified, fullscreen placements and internal messaging creatives
  • A greatly simplified interface and API
  • More robust error and exception handling
  • Performance improvements, including background event queuing and better support for offline-mode
  • Tested against iOS 7, with support for iOS 5 and 6
  • Version number reset

Version 9

  • Adding support for Rich Data Callbacks
  • Targeting the arm7, arm7s, i386 CPU Arcitectures
  • Now compatible with iOS 5 and above
  • Supporting touch events for Cocos2DX

Version 8.2

  • Support for video ads
  • Capture advertising tracking information

Version 8.1.1

  • Renamed method in PlaynomicsMessaging.h from "initFrameWithId" to "createFrameWithId"
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 8.1

  • Support for push notifications
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 8

  • Support for internal messaging
  • Added custom event module

Version 7

  • Support for new iOS hardware, iPhone 5s

Version 6

  • Improved dual support for iOS4 and iOS5+ utilizing best methods depending on runtime version
  • This build is a courtesy build provided for debugging for an irreproducible customer-reported crash that was unrelated to PlayRM code.

Version 4

  • Support for iOS version 4.x

Version 3

  • Improved crash protection
  • Ability to run integrated app on the iOS simulator
  • Minor tweaks to improve connection to server

Version 2

  • First production release

View version tags here