
This repository contains the backend logic for ThreadMind, a platform designed to fetch and analyze comments from YouTube and Reddit. It is built using Django framework and is connected to the front end using REST API.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

🧠 ThreadMind Backend: Advanced Comment Analysis Service 📊

📌 Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Features
  3. Technological Stack
  4. Usage
  5. Rate Limiting and Session Management
  6. Contributing

Overview 👁‍🗨

Welcome to the backend repository of ThreadMind, a pioneering service specialized in the sophisticated analysis of user-generated content on YouTube and Reddit platforms. This repository serves as the backbone for the application, employing state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms for sentiment analysis, emotion recognition, and cyberbullying classification, along with natural language summarization and keyword extraction capabilities.

Features ✨

Data Aggregation 📊

  • Objective: To accrue and amalgamate a spectrum of contextual metadata, including channel/subreddit attributes and post/video descriptions.
  • Implementation: Utilizes OAuth 2.0 protocols for secure API calls to YouTube and Reddit, ensuring data integrity and security.

Comment Analytics 🗨️

  • Objective: To offer actionable insights by performing sentiment analysis, emotion recognition, and cyberbullying classification on user comments.
  • Implementation: Employs fine-tuned machine learning models on socially-sourced datasets, including but not limited to Twitter and Reddit. For an in-depth review of the models and methodologies, refer to the associated Jupyter notebooks.

NLP-powered Summarization 📝

  • Objective: To distill extensive comment threads into concise summaries and relevant keywords.
  • Implementation: Leverages the capabilities of OpenAI's GPT-3.5TURBO model, utilizing advanced NLP techniques like TF-IDF for keyword extraction.

Technological Stack 🛠

  • Communication: REST API
  • Deployment Platform: Heroku
  • Data Sources: YouTube API, Reddit API
  • Machine Learning Models: OpenAI GPT-3.5TURBO, Fine-tuned RoBERTa, and XLNet hosted on Google Cloud Run

Usage 🌐

Experience the live application here.

Rate Limiting and Session Management ⏳

  • Rate Limiting: Implemented to manage the API request frequency, thereby ensuring system stability.
  • Session Management: Unique session IDs are generated to optimize resource allocation and to circumvent redundancy.

Contributing 🤝

Interested contributors are invited to connect via LinkedIn. Explore the front-end code here.


License: MIT

The project is licensed under the MIT License.