An alternate Indi driver for the Inova Pla-M camera
Configure i4j server: add this to your .bashrc file
export indihome="/home/farom/.i4j/"
export indiHome=$indihome
Run i4j-server-interactive
Type d ~/.i4j/
Type l ~/.i4j/lib/
Type b ~/.i4j/etc/server.boot if you want to start the driver with the server
Stop the server
Copy PlamDriver-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar to ~/.i4j/lib/
Create a file ~/.i4j/etc/server.boot which contains
c farom.plamdriver.INDIPlamDriver
Run i4j-server-interactive
c farom.plamdriver.INDIPlamDriver
if the you want to start the driver manually.
Type ld to verify that the driver is loaded