Control your Hitachi HVAC with an arduino through the H-LINK port. This project is written for an Arduino 33 IOT and requires the libraries WiFiWebServer and PubSubClient. You can also use hi_link.h and hi_link.cpp in your own project.
Locate the H-link connector header on the interior unit board. This information can be found on the service manual for your specific model or directly printed on the unit cover. It is a 6 pin connector:
- +12V: Can be used to power the arduino
- RX of the A/C unit <> TX of the arduino
- Not connected
- TX of the A/C unit <> RX of the arduino
- Ground
- Sense: pulled-up to +5V inside the A/C unit. It must be connected to ground to work The A/C unit is working with 5V level while the Arduino 33 IOT works with 3.3V. You should use a level shifter to adapt the levels. You can also try this crappy schematic:
You need to create a file secret.h containting your wifi ssid and password and MQTT server using the template template_secrets.h
H-link Protocol description
This component communicates with an Hitachi A/C through the H-link protocol (also called Hi-Kumo). It uses UART communication with a baud rate of 9600, 8 data_bits, ODD parity and 1 stop bit. The Arduino send commands to read or modify internal parameters of the A/C. The A/C send back a message containing the value requested or an acknoledgment that the value has been modified. The messages are written using only ascii characters and always ends with a carriage return (0x0D)
Commands from the Arduino to the A/C:
- Read the parameter at the [address]: "MT P=[address] C=[checksum]\r" [address] is 4 hexadecimal characters [checksum] is 4 hexadecimal characters: FFFF minus the sum of all pairs of characters in [address]
- Set the parameter at the [address] with the value [data]: "ST P=[address],[data] C=[checksum]\r" [address] is 4 hexadecimal characters [data] is 2, 4, or 20 hexadecimal characters depending on the address [checksum] is 4 hexadecimal characters: FFFF minus the sum of all pairs of characters in [address] and [data]
Answer from the A/C:
- Error: "NG TODO
- Read successful: "OK P=[data] C=[checksum]\r" [data] is 2, 4, or 20 hexadecimal characters depending on the address [checksum] is 4 hexadecimal characters: FFFF minus the sum of all pairs of characters in [data]
- Acknowledge modified parameter: "H~ TODO
The list of the valid address is described hereunder with their signification when it is known:
- 0000-RW: Power state 0=OFF 1=ON
- 0001-RW: Operation mode 0x0010=hot 0x0020=dry 0x0040=cool 0x0050=fan 0x8000=auto
- 0002-RW: Fan speed 0=auto 1=high 2=medium 3=low 4=Silent
- 0003-RW: Target termperature in °C
- 0005-RO: unknown, always 0x7E=0b01111110
- 0006-RO: Control via remote control permission, 00 = all settings allowed 01 = all settings prohibited (not tested !)
- 0007-RW: unknown, always 00, maybe for swing mode
- 0008-RO: unknown, always 00
- 0009-RO: unknown, always 00
- 000A-RO: unknown, always 00
- 0011-RO: unknown, always FF
- 0012-RO: unknown, always FF
- 0013-RO: unknown, always 03
- 0014-RO: unknown, always 00
- 0100-RO: Current indoor temperature in °C
- 0101-RO: unknown, always 0x7E=0b01111110
- 0102-RO: Current outdoor temperature in °C
- 0201-RO: unknown, always 0000
- 0300-WO: unknown, write only, 0000=normal 0040=absence
- 0301-RO: Active status 0000=Stand-by FFFF=Active
- 0302-RO: Filter status 0=OK 1=BAD
- 0304-RO: Absence 0=disabled 80=activated
- 0800-WO: Beep (TBC), write only, 00=no beep 07=beep
- 0900-RO: model, always 5241442D323551504220 for me --> RAD-25QPB in ascii