
ESP32 based serial bridge for transmitting serial data between two boards

The primary purpose of this sketch was to enable a MAVLink serial connection, which I successfully tested at 57600 bps. In theory, much faster buad rates should work fine, but I have not tested faster than 115200.

Range is easily better than regular WiFi, however an external antenna may be required for truly long range messaging, to combat obstacles/walls, and/or to achieve success in an area saturated with 2.4GHz traffic.

To find the MAC address of each board, uncomment the #define DEBUG line, and monitor serial output on boot. Set the OPPOSITE board's IP address as the value for RECVR_MAC in the macros at the top of the sketch.

When uploading the sketch, be sure to define BOARD1 or BOARD2 as appropriate before compiling.

-- Yuri - Sep 2021

Based this example -


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