
sdr-j fm software

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

A simple FM receiver V2.0

Nww: appImage (july 2021)

An appImage was create for use with common devices, like DABstick, SDRplay etc

New: resizable widgets

It was an item on my todo list, redesiging the GUI such that the main widget - and most of the widgets for device support - are resizable. Having that dome wasd the main reason to renumber the version into 3.0

New: support for the Adalm Pluto and experimentally for ColibriNano

The Adalm pluto is now supported for both the Windows and the Linux version. Since the software has to run on systems where support for the Pluto is not installed, the driver software had to be adapted as with other devices: on selecting the device, functions will be read-in from the device library. To reduce dependency on external libraries, the filtering software does not depend on the AD9361 library, but is "hard coded", based on output from this library

As an experiment support for the ColibriNano is added. While I do not possess such a device, am SDR collegue has and helped me with the installation and incorporation of support for the Colibri. Note that since the colibri supports to up to 55 MHz, it is the second Nyquist zone that is used for FM

fm receiver

In spite of the foreseen move from analog to digital radio, there are still lots of FM stations in the FM broadcast band.

The FM receiver software is an experimental receiver, with quite some settings. A simpler version, just to listen to radio, is in the WFM-RPI repository.

The program shows 2 spectra, one is the spectrum of the incoming signal, the other is the spectrum of the decoded signal.

Supported devices

The FM software supports (obviously depending on the configuration)

  • rtlsdr based sticks

  • SDRplay devices, both for the 2.13 and 3.07 library

  • airspy

  • hackrf

  • lime

  • pluto


For creating an executable under: install the required libraries use qmake. For e,g. Ubuntu (i.e. Debian like) systems, the required libraries can be installed by the following script

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git cmake
sudo apt-get install qt5-qmake build-essential g++
sudo apt-get install pkg-config
sudo apt-get install libsndfile1-dev qt5-default
sudo apt-get install libfftw3-dev portaudio19-dev
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev mesa-common-dev
sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev libqt5opengl5-dev
sudo apt-get install libsamplerate0-dev libqwt-qt5-dev
sudo apt-get install qtbase5-dev

The file "fmreceiver.pro", in the section "unix", adaptations may have to be made for the proper configuration If

#CONFIG		+= console

is uncommented, the software will write some data to it, merely to see/show that everything works

Comment the devices that ar enot available out

#CONFIG += pmsdr CONFIG += sdrplay CONFIG += sdrplay-v3 CONFIG += airspy CONFIG += dabstick CONFIG += elad_s1 CONFIG += hackrf CONFIG += lime CONFIG += pluto CONFIG += colibri

It happens that Fedora (the system I am working on) and Debian derived systems have different naming for the qwt library

For Ubuntu the line

#LIBS += -lqwt -lusb-1.0 -lrt -lportaudio -lsndfile -lfftw3f -lrtlsdr -ldl

and for fedora the line

LIBS += -lqwt-qt5 -lusb-1.0 -lrt -lportaudio -lsndfile -lfftw3f -ldl

seems to work

Of course, library support for devices that are part of the configuration needs to be installed.

For SDRplay devices it is easy: download them from www.sdrplay.com

for "dabsticks" one might try the library that can be downloaded from the distribution's repository, however, in some cases one needs to blacklist the device.

For other devices there are no (known) precompiled libraries


For Windows, the releases section of this repository contains an installer, setup-fmreceiver- that will install the executable as well as required libraries. Note that the installer will call upon an installer for the dll implementing the api to get access to the SDRplay


Note that this version now supports a maintained programlist, a list maintained between invocations of the program.

Finally, I was experimenting with a scanning function, one that stops whenever the S/N ration is above a certain level. Still lots to be done.