
Develop a system that can classify and detect leaf diseases in potato plants based on deep learning. This system can help farmers and agricultural researchers to get accurate and fast diagnose results of disease in plants, especially in potato plant.

Primary LanguagePython

Potato Leaf Disease Classification

Develop a system that can classify and detect leaf diseases in potato plants based on deep learning. This system can help farmers and agricultural researchers to get accurate and fast diagnose results of disease in plants, especially in potato plant.

clone : https://github.com/rizqiamaliatuss/PotatoLeafDiseaseClassification.git

This experiment consist of 3 major step :

1. Prepare Dataset

--- Datasets was collected from :

  1. PlantVillage datasets = https://www.kaggle.com/emmarex/plantdisease
  2. Potato Plantation, Malang, Indonesia.
  3. Google Images = i recommend you to follow this tutorial to collect dataset from google images https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2017/12/04/how-to-create-a-deep-learning-dataset-using-google-images/

--- Clustering dataset

Divide dataset into 5 class : Altenaria Solani, Healthy Leaf, Virus, Insect and Phytophthora Infestan.

--Dataset +--- Alternaria Solani +--- Healthy Leaf +--- Virus +--- Insect +--- Phytophthora Infestan

--- Cropping image cropping image aim to delete noise in images, so we will get more spesific dataset.

--- Resizing image Resize image (224x224)

2. Training Process

--- configure models In this experiment, we use VGG16 and VGG19 architecture models. To configure models, please remember this folder :

-- finalproject
+--- VGG16.py #Class VGG16 +--- VGG19.py #Class VGG19 also remember name of class in models file. after that configure model to training program.

--- Training Program check inisialisasi model in program

--- create folder output --- run the program

python train_vgg.py --dataset dataset --model output/finalprojectb1.h5 --label-bin output/finalprojectb1.pickle --plot output/finalprojectb1.png

Change the parameter --dataset --model --label and --plot with your parameter

3. Testing Process

--- run the program

python classify.py --image images/alter.jpg --model output/finalprojectb1.model --label-bin output/finalprojectb1.pickle --width 64 --height 64

Change the parameter --image --model and --label with your parameter

Reference :

  1. https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2017/12/11/image-classification-with-keras-and-deep-learning/
  2. https://arxiv.org/abs/1409.1556
  3. https://www.kaggle.com/emmarex/plantdisease