├── <project> # Example project name e.g. mobile app
│ ├── jobs # Job DSL code
│ ├── resources # Resources specific to this project
├── <other_project> # Another project name e.g. platform
│ ├── jobs # Job DSL code
│ ├── resources # Resources specific to this project
├── <...> # A folder for every project!
├── src # Code shared between each project
│ ├── main
│ │ ├── groovy # support classes
│ │ └── resources
│ │ └── idea.gdsl # IDE support for IDEA
│ └── test
│ └── groovy # specs (organized by project)
│ └──<project>
│ └──<other_project>
└── build.gradle # build file
See README-Hacking for details on how to spin up a local docker container with an environment similar to one you would find on the DevOps jenkins server.
DSL jobs can be tested using the Spock test framework.
To run all of the test specs:
./gradlew test
To run all of the test specs within a given project:
./gradlew test --tests sample.*
To run all a single test spec:
./gradlew test --tests sample.SampleJobSpec
You can run codenarc to verify well written Groovy code.
To run codenarc on the dsl jobs:
./gradlew codenarcJobs
To run codenarc on the shared code:
./gradlew codenarcSrc
An example job can be found here.
Several techniques for managing credentials and secrets are discussed here
In addition to the yaml parsing techniques in the wiki link above, you can also manage shared constants directly in your DSL script.
- Use a try/catch to parse the Yaml file into a map
Map constantsMap = [:]
try {
out.println('Parsing secret YAML file')
String constantsConfig = new File("${EDX_PLATFORM_SHARED_CONSTANTS}").text
Yaml yaml = new Yaml()
constantsMap = yaml.load(constantsConfig)
out.println('Successfully parsed secret YAML file')
catch (any) {
out.println('Jenkins DSL: Error parsing secret YAML file')
out.println('Exiting with error code 1')
return 1
- Assert that the map contains the desired constants
- Use the constant as the key value in the map ex. constantsMap['credential']
Constant | Purpose | Use |
credential | Allow access to private git repositories | In the credential() function in the Git Scm Context |