This an alpine sshd container made for X forwarding of firefox. Start a local X-server. On mac you can use XQuartz. Ssh into the container and run your favorite alpine x-app (e.g. firefox) and see it on your local machine.
For key based authentication create a volume to keep authorized_keys.
tar cv --files-from /dev/null | docker import - scratch
docker create -v /root/.ssh --name ssh-container scratch /bin/true
docker cp ssh-container:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
Then the sshd service
docker run -p 4848:22 --name alpine-firefox --hostname alpine-firefox --volumes-from ssh-container -d danielguerra/alpine-firefox
Didn't want key based set a password for root.
docker run -p 4848:22 --name alpine-firefox --hostname alpine-firefox -d danielguerra/alpine-firefox
docker exec -ti alpine-firefox passwd (type the new password)
After this from your linux X environment or from the Xquartz terminal. See note Xquartz
ssh to your new container
ssh -i id_rsa -p 4848 -X root@<dockerhost> firefox
For ssh key forwarding use ssh-agent
ssh-add id_rsassh -A -p 4848 -X root@<dockerhost>
ssh -C -A -t -X -p 4848 root@<dockerhost> ssh -C -A -t -X -p 777 root@<hop> firefox
in the last example the each hop must have the same authorized_keys.
For cmd+v cmd+c e.g. copy/paste to work you need to do this on your mac.
cd ~/
vi .Xdefaults
paste this line (without the quotes)
*VT100.translations: #override Meta <KeyPress> V: insert-selection(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0) \n
esc :wq
xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults
restart Xquartz and cmd+c and cmd+v works.