
Description This project aims to create a system for a car rental company that can help them keep track of car rentals and manage them.


#--> Description: This project aims to create a system for a car rental company that can help them keep track of car rentals and manage them. #--> Details : The system has two different views:

  • one for the administrator or company representative.
  • Another for the customer.


--> An administrator is able to:

  1. Login/logout with his admin credentials
  2. Create a new customer account.
  3. View customer profile, which include all previous/current rentals the customer performed.
  4. Add a new car to the rental system.
  5. Edit car details – such as the car status when a customer returns a vehicle and the rental cost.
  6. Remove car.
  7. View all cars in the rental system.
  8. View company profits.


--> A customer is able to:

  1. Login/logout using his registered credentials
  2. Search available cars: search by vehicle type, and desired rental date.
  3. Rent a car: select the desired car, select the date of pickup and return, select the branch to return vehicle.
  4. The customer is free to confirm or cancel the reservation
  5. View his profile.
  6. Has the right to change his password.
