aiformat is a simple tool you can use from the command line. It helps you select files and folders and change them into a format that AI assistants like Claude can understand.
- AlbanCrepelAnnecy, France
- antogerva
- baraninja
- daiGijutsu-Hyoron Co.,Ltd.
- davideulerdianping.com
- davidrd123@Umbra-Team
- demoulinthe Netherlands
- dleviminzi@americanexpress
- enystInternet
- ezerfernandesBrasilia, Brazil
- farouqaldoriFinetuneDB
- frapastique
- gijigaeChoimirai School
- id-2@tonpublic
- jiahutShanghai
- johnlappasjrIn a terminal
- kassadinOrzLib
- kopelliStoughton, WI
- lancetiptonWorkboard
- lemon-mintSeoul
- mawazawa
- Maweill
- michaelhaessigZurich , Switzerland
- mikedemarais@rainbow-me
- mthormeStockholm, Sweden
- navidemadYespark
- nightlyworker
- rahimnathwaniSan Francisco
- ramzimalhas🏗️ @Life-Hackers-inc
- remmintanGermany, Saarbrücken
- robin-collins
- SamOyeAHRoyal Ahold Delhaize
- slavakurilyak@phoenix-hq
- tanyagrinbergSymbiokinetics
- tsaeki
- yieldloop