Summary is a tool used to distribute compensation to team members based on democratic principles.
Using Pay.Party, A user can create and fund a election, assigning candidate and voter roles to any number of Ethereum addresses. Address participants can vote on their peers to determine the compensation distribution from the elections funding pool.
When a has ended, the funds are distributed to each candidate based on the election outcome, and users are notified of their dispersement..
How it works
Upon creating a election, a creator adds participants by assigning any number of addresses a voter and/or candidate role, the election funding token and amount, the number of votes every voter gets, and other related metadata (name, description, etc.). If an address has a voter role, the address participates by voting on candidates. If, however, an address has a candidate role, the address participates by voting and being voted on in which case they may receive a portion of the election pool's funding.
Please see the contributing document.