= Precedence Precedence is a library that allows for the creation, manipulation and analysis of precedence networks. == Download and Install Available as a RubyGem from Rubyforge. To install $ gem install precedence will fetch the latest gem from Rubyforge and install it. Source can also be downloaded from http://rubyforge.org/projects/precedence. == Example Usage require('precedence') # Set up network net = Precedence::Network.new('Begin','End') net.new_activity('act-1-1') do |act| act.duration = 3 act.description = 'System specification' end net.new_activity('act-1-2' do |act| act.duratiom = 2 act.description = 'Review' end net.new_activity('act-1-3') do |act| act.duration = 2 act.description = 'System re-specification' end net.new_activity('act-2-1') do |act| act.duration = 3 act.description = 'Test tool design' end net.new_activity('act-2-2') do |act| act.duration = 5 act.description = 'Test tool implementation' end net.new_activity('act-3-1') act.duration = 3 act.description = 'System design' end net.new_activity('act-3-2') do |act| act.duration = 12 act.description = 'System implementation' end net.new_activity('act-2-3') do |act| act.duration = 10 act.description = 'System testing' end net.connect('act-1-1','act-1-2') net.connect('act-1-2','act-1-3') net.connect('act-1-3','act-3-1') net.connect('act-1-2','act-2-1') net.connect('act-2-1','act-2-2') net.connect('act-2-2','act-3-2') net.connect('act-3-1','act-3-2') net.connect('act-3-2','act-2-3') net.fix_connections! # Generate a diagram File.open('network.dot',File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::WRONLY) do |file| file.puts(net.to_dot) end system("dot","-Tpng","-onetwork.png","network.dot") # Perform some analysis of the activities activity = net.activities['act-1-2'] activity.on_critical_path? # => true activity.earliest_start # => 3.0 activity.latest_finish # => 5.0 activity.total_float # => 0 - activities on the critical path have no float # Save the network to a YAML file File.open('network.yaml',File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::WRONLY do |file| file.puts(net.to_yaml) end # Read the network from a YAML file newNet = Precedence::Network.from_yaml(File.new('network.yaml',File::RDONLY)) == Documentation The Precedence API online documentation is available at http://precedence.rubyforge.org. Refer to the CHANGELOG and TODO files for past changes and upcoming plans. == Credits Farrel Lifson <farrel@lifson.info> == License This software is made available under the BSD license.