
A simple todo app in Flutter, used to explain state management

Primary LanguageDart

State Management in Flutter

This is an example of how state management is done in a very simple todo app.


  1. Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/farrelmahaztra/flutter-todo.git
  1. Move into the directory
cd flutter-todo
  1. Run the app, this should automatically install dependencies and run in Chrome
flutter run


  • This isn't the best or only example of how to do state management, there's plenty to improve! :)
  • Things to think about:
    • What else can we add, and how can we try and manage the new state (if any)?
      • Examples: validating the todo form, updating an individual todo, categorizing todos
    • How can we reduce code duplication?
    • How can we optimize the state management here to limit unnecessary rebuilds?
    • How else can we structure the app directory? Is the naming of the widgets idiomatic?