
Backtester for IMC Prosperity 2 algorithms

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

IMC Prosperity 2 Backtester

Build Status PyPI Version

This repository contains a backtester IMC Prosperity 2 algorithms. The output it generates closely matches the format of the output generated by the official submission environment and is therefore compatible with my IMC Prosperity 2 Visualizer (assuming your code contains the visualizer's required prerequisites as explained on the visualizer's homepage).


Basic usage:

# Install the latest version of the backtester
$ pip install -U prosperity2bt

# Run the backtester on an algorithm using all data from round 0
$ prosperity2bt <path to algorithm file> 0

Run pip install -U prosperity2bt again when you want to update the backtester to the latest version.

Some more usage examples:

# Backtest on all days from round 1
$ prosperity2bt example/starter.py 1

# Backtest on round 1 day 0
$ prosperity2bt example/starter.py 1-0

# Backtest on round 1 day -1 and round 1 day 0
$ prosperity2bt example/starter.py 1--1 1-0

# Backtest on all days from rounds 1 and 2
$ prosperity2bt example/starter.py 1 2

# You get the idea

# Merge profit and loss across days
$ prosperity2bt example/starter.py 1 --merge-pnl

# Automatically open the result in the visualizer when done
# Assumes your algorithm logs in the visualizer's expected format
$ prosperity2bt example/starter.py 1 --vis

# Write algorithm output to custom file
$ prosperity2bt example/starter.py 1 --out example.log

# Backtest on custom data
# Requires the value passed to `--data` to be a path to a directory that is similar in structure to https://github.com/jmerle/imc-prosperity-2-backtester/tree/master/prosperity2bt/resources
$ prosperity2bt example/starter.py 1 --data prosperity2bt/resources

# Print trader's output to stdout while running
# This may be helpful when debugging a broken trader
$ prosperity2bt example/starter.py 1 --print

Order Matching

Orders placed by Trader.run at a given timestamp are matched against the order depths of that timestamp's state. Market trades are ignored in the matching process. Orders are executed at your best possible price, e.g. if you place a buy order for €10 but there is non-zero ask volume at €9, your order is (possibly partially) filled at €9. Similarly, if you place a sell order for €10 but there is non-zero bid volume at €11, your order is (possibly partially) filled at €11.

Limits are enforced before orders are matched to order depths. If for a product your position would exceed the limit, assuming all your orders would get filled, all your orders for that product get canceled.


If you want to make changes to the backtester, clone (or fork and clone) this repository and run pip install -e . in the project's root. This installs the project in editable mode, so any changes you make are automatically taken into account the next time you run prosperity2bt.