The SRX firewall can be configured to monitor a central web server for a list of IP Addresses to create a dynamic address book using thesecurity-intelligence
This software will need to be installed on an existing web-server and the python file modified to point to the correct base directory of the web-server. Clone all files and copy the schema.xml and manifest.xml file to the base of the web server.
Configure the SRX security-intelligence module to point to you web server - the auth-token is required to commit (32 ascii chars), but is only used by Junos Space to authenticate the device:
set services security-intelligence url
set services security-intelligence authentication auth-token 12345678901234567890121234567890
file provides a list of available "feeds" of IP addresses eg:
<manifest version="3540642feac48e76af183a6e79d55404">
<category description="Customer category IPFilter" name="IPFilter" options="" ttl="2592000" update_interval="1">
<config version="398490f188">
<feed data_ts="1428558808" name="BADSITES" objects="36" options="" types="ip_addr ip_range" version="BADSITES">
The SRX will refreshmanifest.xml
seconds, as specified in the manifest.
A feed is essentially a list of IPs that have some common purpose eg: a blacklist, whitelist, prefixes that identify a cloud provider etc.
Addresses are grouped into feeds and stored in independent feed files.
Within the SRX, a dynamic-address is created as follows:
set security dynamic-address address-name MY-BLACKLIST profile category IPFilter feed BADSITES
The SRX then consults themanifest.xml
file for a feed named BADSITES, downloads it from the web server and then installs it into the dynamic-address entry.
The SRX will now consult the feed every update interval and dynamically add or remove addresses as they are available, all without requiring a configuration change.
NOTE: As of this writing this has been tested on Junos 12.3X48D10 and 15.1X49-D110 code releases, dynamic-address entries can only be used in security policies; NAT rules only consult the global and zone-based address-books for address entries.
Create a new feed new MYFEED
Add an address to a feed add MYFEED
Remove an address from a feed del MYFEED