
Investment tools

Primary LanguagePython


Machine learning tools for investment tasks. The purpose of these tools is to obtain deeper analytics about companies using fundamental, global market and other data. This repo is core of https://stocks.ml.

Table of content

📔 Documentation

Visit Read the Docs to know more about Ml_investment library.

🛠 Installation

PyPI version

Latest version from source


You may use config file ~/.ml_investment/config.json to change repo parameters i.e. downloading datasets pathes, models pathes etc.

Private information (i.e. api tokens for private datasets downloading) should be located at ~/.ml_investment/secrets.json

⏳ Quick Start

Use application model

There are several pre-defined fitted models at ml_investment.applications. It incapsulating data and weights downloading, pipeline creation and model fitting. So you can just use it without knowing internal structure.

ticker date fair_marketcap_yahoo
AAPL 2020-12-31 5.173328e+11
FB 2020-12-31 8.442045e+11
MSFT 2020-12-31 4.501329e+11

Create your own pipeline

1. Download data

You may download default datasets by ml_investment.download_scripts

>>> 1365it [03:32, 6.42it/s] >>> 1365it [01:49, 12.51it/s]

2. Create dict with dataloaders

You may choose from default ml_investment.data_loaders or wrote your own. Each dataloader should have load(index) interface.

3. Define and fit pipeline

You may specify all steps of pipeline creation. Base pipeline consist of the folowing steps:

  • Create data dict(it was done in previous step)
  • Define features. Features is a number of values and characteristics that will be calculated for model trainig. Default feature calculators are located at ml_investment.features
  • Define targets. Target is a final goal of the pipeline, it should represent some desired useful property. Default target calculators are located at ml_investment.targets
  • Choose model. Model is machine learning algorithm, core of the pipeline. It also may incapsulate validation and other stuff. You may use wrappers from ml_investment.models

>>> {'metric_my_super_model': 0.40599471294301914}

4. Inference your pipeline

Since ml_investment.models.GroupedOOFModel was used, there are no data leakage and you may use pipeline on the same company tickers.

ticker date my_super_model
AAPL 2020-12-31 8.170051e+11
FB 2020-12-31 3.898840e+11
MSFT 2020-12-31 3.540126e+11

📦 Applications

Collection of pre-trained models

  • FairMarketcapYahoo [docs]
  • FairMarketcapSF1 [docs]
  • FairMarketcapDiffYahoo [docs]
  • FairMarketcapDiffSF1 [docs]
  • MarketcapDownStdYahoo [docs]
  • MarketcapDownStdSF1 [docs]

⭐ Contributing

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