bundler.io is intended to serve as a convenient source for documentation on the bundler gem.
The site bundler.io is a static site generated using Middleman.
Bundler's manual pages document much of its functionality and serve as an important part of the site. They are included via the Rakefile.
Run a local development web server:
bundle exec middleman server
This will start a local web server running at: http://localhost:4567. It will serve the site as it exists in /source.
To specify the host and/or port, add the -h, -p flag(s):
bundle exec middleman -h -p 8080
Note: the development server will automatically reload pages when they or there associated stylesheets are modified. This feature is enabled in config.rb.
Build the site:
bundle exec middleman build
This will use the files in /source to generate a static site in /build.