
Flutter Project Sample with Clean Architecture

Primary LanguageDart

Goat Flutter Challenge

XYZ Goat Flutter Challenge - Scenario B

Implement with clean architecture and multiple repo in mind, so that it can be scallable to be re-used in different apps




  • Flutter SDK : v3.0.5
  • Dart SDK: v2.17.6

How to Build

1. before started, you need to active melos.

open terminal and run this command:

dart pub global activate melos

melos is a great tools to support multiple package flutter app, so we don't create a monolythic app.

reference : https://medium.com/flutter-community/managing-multi-package-flutter-projects-with-melos-c8ce96fa7c82

2. Dowload all dependency library using - melos bs

to download all the dependency you need to run the following commands, this command will run flutter pub get for all modules. Doing that will be problematic because this project is contains multiple modules.

Fortunately, melos has easier way to do that.

open terminal and run this command:

melos bs

3. Run The Project with Flavor

In-order to run the project you need to select run configuration based on environment.

For example if you want to run on development environment, then you need to choose development run configuration. If you want to run on staging environment, then you need to choose staging run configuration and so on.

In the project there are already included configuration for Android Studio, and it will be detected automatically.

But, if you want to run using terminal, the command is :

flutter run --flavor development -t lib/src/main_development.dart

List Of Modules

  1. Library

    1. base_asset - containing all the asset for all the icon
    2. base_component - containing all the basic components for basic ui
    3. cubit_util - containing util that can be used for create cubit and cubit state
    4. localization - library for generate localization automatically for every ui module
    5. network_client - for calling API using library called dio
    6. nullable_util - containing util for nullable
    7. result_util - containing helper for wraping api Result
    8. service_locator - for dependency injection using GetIt
    9. test_util - containing util related testing, also containing script to generate coverage_test file.

    nb: coverage_test is work around to handle this issue flutter/flutter#27997

  2. Entity

    1. entity_book - containing models related api and also interface for Domain and Data Layer
    2. fake_entity_book - containing fake class for interface in entity_book so that can help in testing
  3. Domain (unit test Written)

    1. domain_book - containing useCase in domain layer
    2. fake_domain_book - containing fake class for usecase in domain_book so that can help in testing
  4. Data (unit test partly written)

    1. data_book - containing implementation of entity_book interface using network_client
  5. UI (unit test partly written for pages)

    1. ui_book - containing code for all the screens

Coverage Report

Generating all coverage report using melos

  1. Generate coverage_test files so that we can detect all coverage. If we're not doing this, the file that doesn't have a test file won't be able to be detected. The detail of the issue can be seen in here : flutter/flutter#27997

    flutter pub run test_util:generate_coverage_test.dart
  2. Run all the test with coverage in all module

    melos test_coverage
  3. Combine all coverage data into one coverage file in unit_test_report/lcov.info

    melos gen_merged_coverage
  4. Generate html report based on merged coverage data in unit_test_report/lcov.info the result will be in folder unit_test_report/loc_coverage_html_report/index.html

    melos gen_html_merged_coverage
  5. Open the coverage report in browser unit_test_report/loc_coverage_html_report/index.html

    open unit_test_report/loc_coverage_html_report/index.html

    The result will be like this:

  6. To delete all coverage data you can run this command

    melos clean_coverage_data