Next Programming Language and Tools (In Progrress)

Some cool features will be available soon. The main goal of the lannguage is to provide a similar mechaism to Swift's #available/@available feature to deploy single binary to multiple platform versions. A VM or JIT or Booter will drop uavailable features fom binary on the fly.


  • Optimize workflow with Universal Shading Language (
  • Built-in float3, float4, mat3, mat4...
  • Built-in vector, matrix math
  • Built-in AI / Machine Learning helpers
  • Built-in CURL support (maybe)
  • Async/await support
  • No garbage collector at runtime (thanks)
  • C codes or libary can be used diectly with no cost
  • High perfomance
  • Pointers and all features in C must be supported
  • API, Platform availability check
  • Mutiple platform versions with single binary with #available
  • Fast compilation
  • Small binary size
  • Operator and function overloading, custom operators
  • Simple
  • Package manager (or use
  • Cross platform NextUI ( or UniversalUI ( alternative to SwiftUI and Flutter
  • ...
struct vertex {
  position float3 #attibute(0)

add(a float, b float): float {
  ret a + b

dosomething() {

  if #available(iOS 14, *) {
    // iOS 14 specific API
  } else if #available(Windows 10, *) {
    // Windows 10 specific API
  } else if #available(Windows 8, *) {
    // Windows 8 specific API

  if #available(DirectX_11, *) {
    // DirectX 11 specific API
  } else if #available(DirectX 12, *) {
    // DirectX 12 specific API
  if #available(Metal iOS, *) {
    // Metal iOS specific API
  } else if #available(Metal macOS, *) {
    // Metal macOS specific API
  // ...

@get("/index") // ?
router() {


#[post("/index"), role("admin")]
router() {
