For example :
- You can run the database migration files on server without "ssh"
- You can move migration files from your local system to the server and run database migrate commands without ssh.
- You can upload your edited files into the server without entering your own management panel (cpanel or directadmin ...). also upload new files (or folders) without ssh .
# composer require faryar76/lrm
# php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Faryar76\LRM\LRMServiceProvider"
fill the host_path in lrm.php with your uploaded project path for example :
"host_path" => "",
or in some sharing hosts
"host_path" => "",
"password" => hash('sha512',"type-your-password-here")
php artisan lrm:upload "path_to_file"
php artisan lrm:upload "app\Http\User.php"
php artisan lrm:upload "path_to_folder"
php artisan lrm:upload "app\Http"
php artisan lrm:upload "path_to_folder" --sub
php artisan lrm:upload "app\Http" --sub
php artisan lrm:migrate // will do php artisan migrate
php artisan lrm:migrate refresh // will do php artisan migrate:refresh
php artisan lrm:migrate rollback // will do php artisan migrate:rollback
php artisan lrm:sync_migrate // will do php artisan migrate
php artisan lrm:sync_migrate refresh // will do php artisan migrate:refresh
php artisan lrm:sync_migrate rollback // will do php artisan migrate:rollback
Notice: old files will backup and move to "old_files" folder on your server