
laravel remote manager : useful laravel package for manage project without ssh even on sharing host

Primary LanguagePHP

LRM "laravel remote manager"

alt text

by using this package , you can easily manage your project remotely (without ssh).

For example :

  1. You can run the database migration files on server without "ssh"
  2. You can move migration files from your local system to the server and run database migrate commands without ssh.
  3. You can upload your edited files into the server without entering your own management panel (cpanel or directadmin ...). also upload new files (or folders) without ssh .


# composer require faryar76/lrm

# php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Faryar76\LRM\LRMServiceProvider"

how to config for use?

The first thing you have to do complete the config file lrm.php in :

fill the host_path in lrm.php with your uploaded project path for example :

"host_path" => "http://your-website-domain.com/",

or in some sharing hosts

"host_path" => "http://your-website-domain.com/public/",
also you can set a password for make it more secure in lrm.php :
"password"  => hash('sha512',"type-your-password-here")

how to use?

upload file

for upload single file :
php artisan lrm:upload "path_to_file"

php artisan lrm:upload "app\Http\User.php"
for upload folder files :
php artisan lrm:upload "path_to_folder"

php artisan lrm:upload "app\Http"
for upload folder with sub folders :
php artisan lrm:upload "path_to_folder" --sub

php artisan lrm:upload "app\Http" --sub

run migrate files

just run Available files on server

php artisan lrm:migrate 		// will do php artisan migrate
php artisan lrm:migrate refresh 	// will do php artisan migrate:refresh
php artisan lrm:migrate rollback 	// will do php artisan migrate:rollback

upload local migrate files to server and run them

php artisan lrm:sync_migrate		// will do php artisan migrate
php artisan lrm:sync_migrate refresh 	// will do php artisan migrate:refresh
php artisan lrm:sync_migrate rollback 	// will do php artisan migrate:rollback

License MIT

Notice: old files will backup and move to "old_files" folder on your server