
Documentation and examples for the mood.gg API.

Primary LanguageJava

alt_text API

Table of Contents

Getting Started
League Of Legends API
Overwatch API
Payload Format
Python Example
Java Example


Welcome to the mood.gg API Doc! This doc will get you started with using the API behind the best thing to ever happen to gaming (according to my mother). Lots of people expressed intrest in building things like Discord Bots, Spotify Apps, iOS/Android versions of mood, plugins for their website, and lots of other cool stuff.

This API supports all of your favorite languages like: Java, Javacsript, Python, and many many many more. Still unsure what to use? Make sure to take a look at the example below!

Don't know what mood is? Thats fine, I forgive you. If you are a League of Legends player, educate yourself at this Reddit post.
Is Overwatch more your thing? Check out TODO.

Getting Started

This API offers 4 very simple endpoints. Each endpoint only supports GET requests.
The API formats data in JSON, but I'm sure not all of us are wizards with JSON. If you aren't super comfortable with JSON be sure you browse the API on Chrome and download this chrome extension. It will save you from many headaches later on.

League of Legends API

GET List Of Champions Mood Supports

GET A Specific Champions Data

For example, to access data about Yasuo, use

If the champion name has a special character in it, like Rek'Sai, thats fine! Just access it normally

What if the champ has a space in its name? No problem, write it as is
https://moodggapi.herokuapp.com/api/lol/Lee Sin

Overwatch API

The process to access this data is very similar to League of Legends.

GET List Of Heroes Mood Supports

GET A Specific Hero's Data

For example, to access data about Genji, use

If the hero name has a special character in it, like D.Va, thats fine! Just access it normally

What if the hero has a space in its name? No problem, write it as is
https://moodggapi.herokuapp.com/api/ow/Soldier: 76

Payload Format

For both Overwatch and League of Legends, the data under /api/ow/<hero_name> and /api/lol/<champ_name> is structured like this -

    _id: String,
    name: String,
    playlistID: String,
    videoArray: [String]
  • id - you can ignore this, it's just a unique id for the character.
  • name - name of the character.
  • playlistID - this is the YouTube playlist ID where all the songs are located for the main playlist. To access the playlist do - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=<insert_playlistID_here>
  • videoArray - an array of strings that hold the individual YouTube videoIDs for each song in the main playlist. To access it, do - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<insert_videoID_here>.

Python Example

There are multiple ways of making API calls using python but this example will use the python 'Requests' library. Use pip to install it if you do not already have it installed. It also uses the python's native json library.
Step 1: Make a variable with the url of the api call you want to make (look above)

getHeroes = "https://moodggapi.herokuapp.com/api/ow/ListOfHeroes"

Step 2: Call 'requests.get' on your variable and use .content to access the results

response = requests.get(getHeroes)

Step 3: If retrieving data on a specific hero/champion use .json() to parse through and obtain individual fields

responseData = response.json()
print("Name: " + responseData["name"])
print("PlaylistID: " + responseData["playlistID"])

Java Example

Once again there are many different ways to call API's and parse through JSON's in Java. This example uses the HttpURLConnection library native to Java and the json-simple library which you can find here.
Step 1: Make a string variable with the url of the api call you want to make (look above)

String getHeroes = "https://moodggapi.herokuapp.com/api/ow/listOfHeroes";

Step 2: Call the callAPI function and pass it your string


callAPI Function (takes in String str as parameter)

URL url = new URL(str);
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();

while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

return response.toString();

Step 3: If retrieving data on a specific hero/champion call the parseJSON function to be able to access individual fields and pass it a string similar to Step 1 but with the hero/champion name rather than listOfHeroes

JSONObject obj = parseJSON(callAPI(getSpecificHero));

parseJSON Function (takes in String str as parameter)

JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject();
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
try {
    Object obj = parser.parse(str);
    JSONArray array = new JSONArray();
    jsonObj = (JSONObject)array.get(0);
}catch(ParseException pe){
    System.out.println("position: " + pe.getPosition());
return jsonObj;


Any open source project is looking for improvements. If you find something in the API or documents submit a Github Issue here!