
Android and Kotlin Multiplatform Multi Module Clean Architecture Proejct

Primary LanguageKotlin


Main(MVVM), MVI Branch Both

  • Multi Module Clean Architecture with Hilt
  • Http Client with Retrofit and Ktor Client
  • Caching with Room
  • Unit Testing with JUnit4 and Mockito and Robolectric
  • Instrumentation Testing with Espresso
  • Sharing versions with Version Catalog
  • Gradle Type Safe Project Accessor

MVI Branch

Multi Platform Branch (Sharing Code with Kotlin Multiplatform and Jetbrains Compose)

  • Http Client with Ktor Client
  • Caching with SQLDelight
  • Flowable Programming with Kotlinx Coroutines
  • Declarative UI Programming and Sharing UI Code with Jetbrains Compose
  • SwiftUI Interop with Jetbrains Compose
  • Service Locator Pattern with Koin (Dependency Injection by this)