Note: This repository is no longer maintained by me as I have changed the technologies I'm mostly using.
Oracle APEX Bootstrap Carousel Plugin
This plugin will add a bootstrap carousel with three images (from external sources or from your web server content or files in your Static Application Files) that automatically sets its width accordingly. Keyboard functionality is also supported and changing the slides can be controlled via the left and right arrow keys.
This carousel is based on disribution 3.3.6 of bootstrap and includes the necessary .js and .css files in the plugin itself.
Bootstrap Carousel Plugin - Click Here
Just import the
file into your APEX application and add the plugin to any region.
First Image Link:
The link of the first image is placed in this text field.
Second Image Link:
The link of the second image is placed in this text field.
Third Image Link:
The link of the third image is placed in this text field.
Data Interval:
Number of seconds delay between slide transitions
Available options include:
- 1 Second
- 2 Seconds
- 3 Seconds
- 5 Seconds
- 10 Seconds
- 15 Seconds
- 30 Seconds
Pause On Hover:
If "Yes" is selected then the animation will pause on mouse hover and resume upon mouse leave. If "No" is selected then the animation will continue whether the mouse hovers over the carousel or not.