
brain tumor (Glioma) segmentation and classification application

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

made-with-python Code style: black Imports: isort License: MIT

Table of content

About Tumor Expert


Brain tumors include the most threatening types of tumors around the world. Glioma, the most common primary brain tumors, occurs due to the carcinogenesis of glial cells in the spinal cord and brain. Glioma is characterized by several histological and malignancy grades, and an average survival time of fewer than 14 months after diagnosis for glioblastoma patients.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), a popular non-invasive strategy, produces a large and diverse number of tissue contrasts in each imaging modality and has been widely used by medical specialists to diagnose brain tumors.

However, the manual segmentation and analysis of structural MRI images of brain tumors is an arduous and time-consuming task which, thus far, can only be accomplished by professional neuroradiologists


Segmenting brain tumors and subregions automatically from multi-modal MRI is important for reproducible and accurate measurement of the tumors, and this can assist better diagnosis, treatment planning and evaluation.

Recently, deep learning methods with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have become the state-of-the-art approaches for brain tumor segmentation. A key problem for CNN-based segmentation is to design a suitable network structure and training strategy. Using a 2D CNN in a slice-by-slice manner has a relatively low memory requirement, but the network ignores 3D information, which will ultimately limit the performance of the segmentation. Using 3D CNNs can better exploit 3D features.

The Product

We introduce Tumor Expert, web-based application which utilize 3D CNNs (or 3D U-net specifically) for automatic segmenting brain tumors (Glioma) while enable you to visualize slices and modalities with tumor area spotted with tree label:

Label Region color
Whole Tumor Blue
Tumor Core Red
Enhancing Tumor Green


Upload Files

  • Application expects four MRI sequences (T1, T2, T1CE, FLAIR), and in order to classify files, corresponding keyword should be placed in each filename
Weight Example filename
T1 example_sample_somthing_t1.nii.gz
T1CE example_sample_somthing_t1ce.nii.gz
T2 example_sample_somthing_t2.nii.gz
FLAIR example_sample_somthing_flair.nii.gz

you can find sample files here.

View, Scale, Segment

  • View options are on the top left corner, you can switch view from sequence weights, hide segmentation and scale image on screen.
  • There is also static information about segmentation colors on top left corner.
  • The Slicer is on the bottom.

Installation and Setup

Docker Installation

build The Container:

docker build -t brain-tumor-expert <path_to>/tumor-expert

Run The Container

docker run -dp 8000:8000 brain-tumor-expert

Manual installation

Tumor Expert uses React for Web applications which placed in another repository, thus we need to clone and get the production build first:

git clone https://github.com/arshamkhodajoo/tumor-expert-frontend.git
cd tumor-expert-frontend

now install dependencies and build app

npm install
npm run build

At this point, you will have build/ inside the app folder, and we will set the ENV variable to the build/ directory path. We will use it to serve HTML and static files from the fast-API end.

Note: run this command only when your current directory is <path>/tumor-expert-frontend

for Linux:

export REACT_BUILD="$(pwd)/build"

for PowerShell (Windows):

$ENV:REACT_BUILD += "\build"

At this point, we are ready to setup Server. get out of /tumor-expert-frontend and run:

git clone https://github.com/arshamkhodajoo/tumor-expert.git
cd tumor-expert

install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

install source as local package: pip install -e .

set trained model path to onnx file place in repositiry:

for Linux:

export WEIGHTS="$(pwd)/public/brain-tumor-segmentation-0002/brain-tumor-segmentation-0002.onnx"

for PowerShell (Windows)

$ENV:WEIGHTS += "/public/brain-tumor-segmentation-0002/brain-tumor-segmentation-0002.onnx"

windows truly sucks, I feel it with each of my nerve cells.

Run Server:

cd bras/app/
uvicorn app:app --port 8000

now server is running on localhost:8000

open your browser and type localhost:8000to load application.

Deep Learning Model

Berief introduction

U-Net architecture (shown in the Fig below) is characterised by a symmetric U-shape, and can be divided into two parts, i.e., encoder and decoder. The first part is the contracting path (encoder) which is transforming the input volume into lower dimensional space. The encoder has a modular structure consisting of repeating convolution blocks. Each block has two smaller blocks of transformations (dark and light blue blocks on the Fig. 2). The first smaller block is reducing the spatial dimensions of the input feature map by a factor of two via convolutional layer with kernels 3x3x3 and stride 2x2x2, then instance normalization and Leaky ReLU activation with negative slope if 0.01 are applied (dark blue block). Next feature map is transformed with almost the same set of operations except that the convolutional layer has stride 1x1x1 (light blue).

Inference and Production

OpenVino's runtime been used to accelerate processing and optimize memory usage at production.
there is limited list of supported Intel CPUs than could benefit from this inference optimization, see this for more information

For more documentation of model Inputs and Outputs, check this link.

Custome Train

To train locally, please check notebooks/colab_brats_train.ipynb for complete training/evaluating pipline, also config/unet.yaml for model structure and hyperparameter.

model hyperparameters were taken from this paper

You may experience Runtime Reset and crashes when using Google Colab free version, consider using Colab Pro for more CUDA memory


API Interface also can be used separately, you can use inference call at localhost:8000/view to get segmentation nifti file. all four modals (t1, t1ce, t2, flair) nifti files should be sent as multi-part form data.

example using JavaScript and Axios:

const data = {
  t1: File(...),
  t1ce: File(...),
  t2: File(...),
  flair: File(...)

const form = new Form()
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) {
        form.append(key, value)

        method: "POST",
        url: "localhost:8000/views/",
        data: form,
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data"
        responseType: 'blob'