
Python-like context manager for PHP

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Python-like context manager for PHP


If you don't know what this is all about, checkout Python Context Managers. This just tries to mimic them.


Download with.php and require it.


Custom Context Managers

#!/usr/bin/env php


class A {
	public function _enter() {
		echo "A is setting up stuff.\n";

	public function _exit($exception) {
		echo "A is cleaning up stuff.\n";
		if(!empty($exception)) {
			echo "I've handled the exception\n";
			// Return true to say you've handled the exception.
			// This will catch the exception.
			return true;

class B {
	public function _enter() {
		echo "B is setting up stuff.\n";
		// Return a value to pass it to the closure instead.
		return 1;

	public function _exit($exception) {
		echo "B is cleaning up stuff.\n";

with(new A, new B, function($a, $b) {
	// $a is an object, $b is the number 1
	var_dump($a, $b);
	throw new Exception('Something went wrong.');
	echo "This should not be seen because of exception.\n";

// We get here because class A handles the exception.
echo "After with.\n";


A is setting up stuff.
B is setting up stuff.
class A#1 (0) {
A is cleaning up stuff.
I've handled the exception
B is cleaning up stuff.
After with.


If used with resources, they'll be closed when you're done, even if an exception was thrown.

with(fopen('data.txt', 'r'), function($handle) {
	$data = fread($handle, 10);