
A smarter way to deal with timers. Intended for LÖVE

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

hoot.lua (Handleless Object Oriented Timer)

A smarter way to deal with timers. Intended for LÖVE

What? Why?

To cleanup this type of code

self.fire_cooldown = 0

function Player:update(dt)
  self.fire_cooldown = self.fire_cooldown - dt

  if fire_pressed and self.fire_cooldown <= 0 then
    self.fire_cooldown = 1

And replace it with this type of code

function Player:update()
  if fire_pressed and hoot(self):set('fire_cooldown', 1, {onlyif='notexists'}) then
    -- We were able to set a new cooldown timer!

Installation - Don't forget to call hoot.update(dt)

hoot = require 'hoot'

function love.update(dt) hoot.update(dt) end

Usage Examples

If the timer's key exists on the object as a function, it'll be called when the timer expires

function Bullet:destroy()
  -- TODO: Remove object from game
hoot(self):set('destroy', 5)

When hit, toggle being flipped on our side. If flipped for 2 seconds, automatically jump back up

function Creep:hit()
  self.is_flipped = not self.is_flipped

  if self.is_flipped then
    hoot(self):set('hit', 2)

  -- Jump up
    self.vy = -200
    self.body:setLinearVelocity(self.vx, self.vy)

Get stuck on walls for a bit, so we don't need frame perfect timing to wall jump away instead of fall off

if self.inputs.dir == self.x_normal then
  -- We're trying to leave; start timer to allow us to leave
    hoot(self):set('stuck_on_wall', 1/6, {onlyif='notactive'})
  -- Keep us stuck
    hoot(self):set('stuck_on_wall', -1)

if not hoot(self):get('stuck_on_wall') then
  -- TODO: Accept inputs to move off the wall

Double tap right to dash

if right_pressed then
  if not hoot(self):set('dash_right_timer', 1/10, {onlyif='notexists'}) then
    -- We were unable to set the dash_right_timer because it already existed!
    -- TODO: Dash to the right

When hitting ceiling, get stuck on it for a bit instead of box2d making us instantly fall down

if hit_ceiling then
  hoot(self):set(function() self.body:setGravityScale(1) end, -self.vy/1000)
  self.vy = 0; self.body:setLinearVelocity(self.vx, self.vy)

hoot vs hump.timer

hump is a great library, and hump.timer is a great timer, but hoot is smarter

Wakeup after 1 second (hump.timer)

self.is_down = false
self.wakeup_timer = nil
function Enemy:knockdown()
  -- We have to cancel the previous wakeup_timer
  -- Otherwise, if knockdown is called while already knocked down
  -- the old knockdown timer will trigger halfway through the new
  -- knockdown and wake it up!
    if self.wakeup_timer then Timer.cancel(self.wakeup_timer) end

  self.is_down = true
  self.wakeup_timer = Timer.add(1, function() self.is_down = false end)

function Enemy:update()
  if self.is_down then print('Im down!') end

Wakeup after 1 second (hoot)

function Enemy:knockdown()
  -- If a previous is_down timer is running, hoot knows about it and replaces it for us by default
    hoot(self):set('is_down', 1)

function Enemy:update()
  if hoot(self):get('is_down') then print('Im down!') end

Full Documentation (it's not much)

hoot(self):set(f, delay, options)

Set a new timer that will trigger after delay seconds.

f can be a function or string of a function name on self. If it exists it'll be called with self as the first argument when delay counts down to 0.

You can also set f to a string that doesn't exist as a function, to use the timer as a boolean variable like in the wall jump example. stuck_on_wall isn't a function

options.onlyif only set the timer if it currently: 'exists' 'notexists' 'active' 'notactive'


Returns timer info if currently exists, else nil

Timer info looks like this {delay=0.8, f='mycallback'}. delay is the seconds left until it triggers


Clear the timer. It'll never trigger


Cleanup all hoot memory associated with self


Don't forget to put this in love.update. Otherwise nothing will happen!


Shortcut for hoot(hoot):set


Shortcut for hoot(hoot):get


Shortcut for hoot(hoot):clear


If you can't get away with 1 global hoot object. Use new hoot instances in your gamestates local hoot = hoot.new()


Destroy hoot.new() objects when they're no longer needed

Other Tips

  • hoot does not store anything on your table, it's left completely untouched.

  • Each timer has a key, which is set to f if it's a string, or options.key

    If you call set and the key already exists, the default behavior is to clear the old timer and replace it.

    You can change this behavior by setting options.onlyif="notexists" which will instead leave the old timer alone and not set the new one

    Or you can leave key empty, which will always stack more timers. options.key=false can be used to clear the key

  • Setting a delay of -1 will make the timer exist forever (get will return it), but it won't be active (options.onlyif='active' won't trigger)