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React TypeScript Todo Example 2019 Mid

CircleCI tests tested with jest jest code style: prettier All Contributors Netlify Status


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What's this?

This is a Create React App based React + TypeScript todo app example. 👉 DEMO
TypeScript coming from babel, set upped at Create React App install option. Adding TypeScript Doc📝


Aftter React Conf 2018, It comming v16.8.0 with Hooks that's apparently brand new way of Code Design contrast with class base 📝 In addition, TypeScript adopt so much easier into a babel + wbpack build system by Create React App v2.1 TypeScript support official released.

So I was interested what kind of code design and configuration was built. if I build todo with a Hooks and TypeScript. 😀

Note 🗒

This is not a Best Practice introduction.
There are tons of effective way to create solid software in JavaScript World, you have a lot of other option based on your preference for approaching where, The Repo is just a style of my favorite.

"How to combining TypeScript with massive Babel or JavaScript tools ecosystem?"

I hope this helps you know like that from what I've Published!



The app assumed installed Node.js newer than 10.16.3 LTS.
If you have not it yet, follow the official Node.js Doc to install it.


git clone
cd react-typescript-todo-example-2019
yarn install # or npm install

Run Webpack Dev Server

yarn start

After that you'll seen the console which are server processes messages.
Let's follow the message and put in URL http://localhost:3000/ your browsers adressbar,
and then you'll got todo app as same as Demo. let's modify under the src/ code feel free!!


Production Build

yarn build

After that You'll get bundled stuff in build directory.

Run Production Build



Cypress is all-in-one E2E Testing tool which can deal real browser testing.


Runs Cypress tests from the CLI without the GUI

yarn start # Launch DevServer
yarn cypress:run

Opens Cypress in the interactive GUI.

yarn start # Launch DevServer
yarn cypress:open


Jest is all-in-one test-runner built in Create React App and covers function-level unit testing to component-behavior-level integration testing.
The Repo use to react-testing-library for component integration testing.

# run jest
yarn test
# run jest with hide console message except jest infomation
yarn test --silent

If you run yarn test, you'll see console.error message on termianl because ErrorBoundary.test.js contain invalid react component on purpose.
--silent option hide that error.


ESLint is at the top.
And setup TypeScript ESLint, mixing Prettier as a eslint-plugin-prettier.

# run lint only
yarn lint

# run wtih eslint --fix option
yarn lint:fix


While developing and building, Babel stop transpile with TS error messages.
I can't find way static typecheck with babel,
so I'm using original TypeScript via npm and specified tsc --noEmit compile option that doesn't generate compiled code.

yarn typecheck


Please feel free to post New Issue or Pull Request 🤗


Please feel free to post New Issue or reply on Twitter 🐦

If you want to get more generally answers, these community are might be helpful 🍻



Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):


💻 📖 ⚠️
Will Roscoe
Will Roscoe


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!