
A generic Graphql API for Docker and Kubernetes

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



It's a generic Graphql Proxy Api Gateway.

To build Graphql microservices and combine this automatically, in one API, without extra Code.

Docker Build Status pipeline status coverage report

oh man get image not visible


  • Continuously integrates the Backend GraphQL Nodes (No restart!)
  • !!!It works with Docker and Kubernetes!!!
  • Supports load balancing (with docker)

Run with Docker (5 Minutes Quickstart)


You can find examples docker-compose files in the example directory of this git project (./example/quickstart).

How Does it Work:

  • It works without dependencies.
  • You can start it in your docker cloud.
  • Use it to manage your GraphQL-Microservices. With docker labels you can registry your microservices in the proxy.
  • The proxy automatically will find your services and add them to the gateway.

How to Start the Proxy

In this example we will use docker-compose to start the proxy. Here is an example docker-compose file:

version: '3'
    restart: always
    image: fasibio/graphqldockerproxy
      - 3000
      - 3000:3000
     - web
      - qglProxyRuntime=dockerWatch
      - dockerNetwork=web
      - gqlProxyToken=1234
     - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
    external: true

This will start the proxy on port 3000. It's important to include the docker.sock as volume.

That's all!!

Now you can open the proxy playground under . The API is reachable under too.

At the moment it is an empty gateway.

Let's Start a GraphQL Microservice

For this example we will use the Docker image bfillmer/graphql-swapi

Create a docker-compose file:

version: '3'
    image: bfillmer/graphql-swapi
      - 9000
      - web
      - gqlProxy.token=1234
      - gqlProxy.url=:9000/graphql
      - gqlProxy.namespace=swapi
    external: true

Start the docker-compose file. The proxy will automatically find the microservice and include it. Under you can now see that swapi has wrapped your graphql microservice.

Inside this namespace you can make graphql requests. For example:


Or you can use the admin Page to see what has been included (See the second tab at playground)

It is important to put your microservice in the same network as the proxy (In this example the network is called 'web'). We have to set the following labels, so that the Api can find the service:

  • gqlProxy.token: The same token you set in the proxy. (In this example 1234)
  • gqlProxy.url: This is the relative path to the proxy running inside the container. (For example: :9000/graphql)
  • gqlProxy.namespace: The namespace that wraps your microservice.

Now Let's Scale the GraphQL Microservice !

The proxy knows how to reference the same images with a round robin loadbalancer.

Go in the folder where the SWAPI docker-compose file is.

Enter the command: sudo docker-compose scale swapi=3

The proxy will automatically start a loadbalancer

And thats all! Now you can add you Graphql microservices by adding the labels to your compose file and set the same Network (for example 'web').

Run with Kubernetes (18min example)

It will use the Kubernetes API to find available GraphQL Endpoints.

General use is the same like docker. See how it works with Docker. You have to set labels in the Deployment-Manifest.

  • kubernetesConfigurationKind: How the proxy find the Kubernetes API.
    • fromKubeconfig: A Config file which is mount in the Container
    • getInCluster: The POD as it self.
    • getInClusterByUser: The POD as it self but with a spezial self set user

(example Configurations)

(also see this full configuration description )

(see ./example/kubernetes).

The Yaml for the GraphQL Proxy:


apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
    kompose.cmd: kompose convert
    kompose.version: 1.13.0 (84fa826)
  creationTimestamp: null
    io.kompose.service: api
  name: api
  namespace: gqlproxy
  replicas: 1
  strategy: {}
      creationTimestamp: null
        io.kompose.service: api
      - env:
        - name: gqlProxyToken
          value: "1234"
        - name: kubernetesConfigurationKind
          value: getInCluster
        - name: qglProxyRuntime
          value: kubernetesWatch
        image: fasibio/graphqldockerproxy
        name: api
        - containerPort: 3000
        resources: {}
      restartPolicy: Always
status: {}

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
    name: api
  name:      api
  namespace: graphqlproxy
    - port: 3000
      targetPort: 3000
      name: http
    app: api

The Yaml for the GraphQL (SWAPI)

Here it is importend that the service have the annotations

  • gqlProxy.token: The same token you set in the proxy. (In this example 1234)
  • gqlProxy.url: This is the relative path to the proxy running inside the container. (For example: :9000/graphql)
  • gqlProxy.namespace: The namespace that wraps your microservice queries.
kind: Deployment
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
    app:     swapi
  name:      swapi
  namespace: starwars
  minReadySeconds: 20
  replicas: 2
  revisionHistoryLimit: 32
      name: swapi
        app: swapi
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 1
        - image: bfillmer/graphql-swapi
          imagePullPolicy: Always
          name: swapi
            - containerPort: 9000
              name: http-port
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
    gqlProxy.token: '1234'
    gqlProxy.url: ':9001/graphql'
    gqlProxy.namespace: 'swapi'
    name: swapi
  name:      swapi
  namespace: starwars
    - port: 9001
      targetPort: 9000
      name: http
    app: swapi

Thats it ! Now you have the API running under Kubernetes.

All About Namespaces

Namespaces are set by the GraphQl backend microservice, with the label gqlProxy.namespace. If you need more than one GraphQL backend server in the same namespace, then give the same name in the label gqlProxy.namespace. The proxy will merge the services.


At the moment it's not possible to have same queries, mutations or types for different entities. The proxy will use the first one it finds.

Admin page / Metadata Page

To see what the proxy has included and there is another graphql service under /admin/graphql as well. Here you can see all of the namespaces and endpoint metadata for the included proxy nodes. If an endpoint being served by a loadbalancer, then you can also find the "real" endpoints.

Set the environment variables, gqlProxyAdminUser and gqlProxyAdminPassword, to configure a Basic Auth for the admin page.

Available Environments for the GraphQL Proxy

Key Available Values Default Description Need for Required
qglProxyRuntime dockerWatch or kubernetesWatch dockerWatch tells the proxy run to in a docker image or in a kubernetes "world" docker and kubernetes true
dockerNetwork string none the network where the backend GraphQL-Server is shared with the proxy dockerWatch for docker
gqlProxyToken string empty string a token which verifies that the microservice belongs to the proxy dockerWatch or kubernetesWatch false but better you set it
kubernetesConfigurationKind fromKubeconfig or getInCluster or getInClusterByUser fromKubeconfig How the proxy finds the Kubernetes API config. kubernetesWatch false
gqlProxyPollingMs int 5000 The polling time to check for changes (send introspection Query) all false
gqlProxyK8sUser string no Default The K8s user. This is only needed for configuration type getInClusterByUser. kubernetesWatch false
gqlProxyK8sUserPassword string no Default The password for the K8s user. This is only needed for configuration type getInClusterByUser. kubernetesWatch false
gqlProxyAdminUser string empty string The Basic Auth user for the admin page all false
gqlProxyAdminPassword string empty string The Basic Auth password for the admin page all false
gqlShowPlayground bool true toggle graphql playground ui on and off all true
gqlBodyParserLimit string 1mb Set the body size limit for big Data all false
winstonLogLevel string info Set standart loglevel for winston e.g: debug, info, warn error all false
winstonLogStyle string simple Set the style to logging for winston simple or json all false
enableClustering bool false Staring a cluster set a proxy for each cpu kernel. (sometimes can bring more boost) all false
sendIntrospection bool true if it true: client can see the structure. if it false: no introspection will be send. For more security Set to false in Produktion mode all false
gqlApolloEngineApiKey string empty string The apollo Engine Key (after login by apollo you get this key) all false

Possible Environment Variable Combinations for Docker

  • qglProxyRuntime=dockerWatch
  • dockerNetwork=web

Available Labels/Annotations for all GraphQL Endpoints

Key Available Values Description Required
gqlProxy.token string The same token you set in the proxy. (In this example 1234) true
gqlProxy.url string This is the relative path to the proxy running inside the container. (For example: :9000/graphql) true
gqlProxy.namespace string The namespace that wraps your microservice. See "All About Namespaces" for more information true

Possible Environment Variable Combinations for Kubernetes


For a User in the Pod

  • qglProxyRuntime=kubernetesWatch
  • kubernetesConfigurationKind=getInCluster

For an Explicit User

  • qglProxyRuntime=kubernetesWatch
  • kubernetesConfigurationKind=getInClusterByUser
  • gqlProxyK8sUser=myK8sUser
  • gqlProxyK8sUserPassword=thePassword

For All of the Above

  • gqlProxyPollingMs=10000
  • gqlProxyAdminUser=myAdminPageUser
  • gqlProxyAdminPassword=adminPassword

and finally

If you find a bug, have questions please open an issue.

Have fun.