
A first look at Rust programming language.

Primary LanguageRust

First look at Rust

Simple start could be rustc ./hello.rs and then ./hello (executable created from the former command).

More simple way!

cargo new name_of_the_project and then cargo build and cargo run

Even more simple way! (this is getting intreseting).

IntelliJ to the rescue. Click the green triangle and there you go, we see "Hello Rust!

Representation of Data:
  • Boolean (true/false)
  • Integers and decimal numbers
  • Text
  • Structured data (HTML, XML, JSON, etc..)
  • Binary Data (images, proprietary formats)
Core Data types
// We take a single byte(8bit) and we put the number 123 with a memory representation `a`.
// u8: unsigned 0.... 255
let a:u8 = 123;

The values that are created in rust (say for ex let a:u8 = 123) are immutable. You can re-assign! use mut keyword necessary to let know rust that the variable is mutable.

Ok read the code. which more expersive than writing here!