CS 6301 R for data Scientists- Lasso and Ridge Regularization with Gradient Descent for linear regression
Problem Setup Recall the linear regression problem: Suppose we are given a training set { X, yi } where the response variable yi is now numeric and X is a vector of predictors Our first assumption is that y is some function of the predictors, and perhaps a noise component (which we assume is normally distributed with zero mean and constant variance): y = f(X) + e Our goal is to find an approximation to f(), which we will assume has a linear form for f(X).
Gradient Descent We can use the gradient of the cost function to try to find values for the betas that will minimize the cost function … Algorithm: Start with an initial guess for the betas, move in the direction of the negative gradient, update our guess of the betas, repeat until convergence (gradient descent) Alternative: Set the partial derivatives equal to zero and solve! (These are the normal equations.)
Regularization Regularization puts constraints on betas … ◦ Essentially will “select” the most important ones Notice this limits how large the betas can get Two popular choices are q = 1 (Lasso) and q = 2 (Ridge)
Regularization Regularization will limit the betas in a situation when there are many variables By adding the penalty term to the cost function, the betas are forced to be small ◦ It essentially shrinks the “non-important” features Lasso vs. Ridge: ◦ Ridge will keep all variables (betas), but the more important ones will be larger (in magnitude) than the less important ones ◦ Lasso will set the less important betas to zero and keep the best ones