
simple_shell is a basic UNIX command line interpreter, also known as a shell. It reads a command from the user and executes it using the execve system call. If the executable cannot be found, it prints an error message and displays the prompt again. It also handles the "end of file" condition (Ctrl+D) by printing a newline and exiting the program.


To run simple_shell, compile the source code and run the resulting executable:

$ gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c -o hsh
$ ./hsh


$ ./hsh
$ ls
hsh main.c shell.c
$ pwd
$ exit

Note that this implementation does not implement any advanced features, such as semicolons, pipes, redirections, or built-in commands. It also does not handle special characters, such as quotes, backslashes, or wildcards. Additionally, it does not search the PATH environment variable for the executable, so the user must specify the full path to the command.


simple_shell is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.